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November 12th, 2010

A photo taken by Clan Ravanor miners during a drilling operation on the krogan homeworld of Tuchanka is reigniting debate on the existence of a colossal thresher maw. The photo, now being viewed widely on the extranet, adds to a long line of evidence that skeptics call an old and treasured hoax — and believers call irrefutable proof. For centuries, krogan settlements bordering Tuchanka’s deserts have told stories of entire clans swallowed by this colossal thresher maw. While locals claim the ancient creature is real, no outside sources have confirmed the beast’s existence.

Tags: Clan Ravanor, Thresher Maw, tuchanka
Posted in Official News | 47 Comments »


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November 11th, 2010

Systems Alliance rescue workers rushed to save Binary Helix employees trapped in a flooding underwater research facility on Europa today. A distress signal sent from the Nautilus Facility eight hours ago reported a breached outer wall and malfunctioning escape pods. Alliance commander Lowrie hinted that sabotage may be to blame: “It doesn’t look like an accident. Unfortunately, water destroyed the security systems along with most of the facility’s computers. Given the conditions, I’d like to congratulate our med teams for rescuing everyone in the Nautilus Station before it completely flooded.” Over protests from Binary Helix, the Alliance is confiscating data from the station “in the event that anything or anyone inside the Nautilus Facility is responsible for this disaster.”

Tags: binary helix, Commander Lowrie, Europa, Nautilus Facility, Nautilus Station, Systems Alliance
Posted in Official News | 49 Comments »


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November 10th, 2010

The Turian Hierarchy opened the doors today to a new wing of the Tianar Museum of Military History, dedicated to the history of interspecies conflict. The event, held on the turian homeworld of Palaven, was attended by representatives from all Citadel races and media from around the galaxy. Hunner Genchak, the museum’s curator, hoped to encourage conversation on the cost of war for a species. “The turians have long held military power as a touchstone to cultural identity. This exhibit acknowledges that our proud legacy has a price.” The museum holds never-before-seen relics such as declarations of war on various planets throughout the Krogan Rebellion period and a wall dedicated to those killed in action during humanity’s First Contact War.

Tags: First Contact War, Hunner Genchak, Krogan Rebellions, Palaven, Tianar Museum of Military History, Turian Hierarchy
Posted in Official News | 93 Comments »


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November 9th, 2010

The new Black Horse Foods diet device called “The Skale” is now linked to the deaths of at least four young humans and one volus. Ingesting The Skale allows users to remove food from their systems and lose weight. The device shipped with multiple safeguards, but savvy hackers have already posted code spikes on the extranet that allow full control of the device’s anti-digestion settings. The result has been a growing collection of users who reduce their food intake to dangerously low levels in efforts to stay thin. Representatives from Black Horse Foods did not immediately respond to inquiries.

Tags: Black Horse Foods, The Skale
Posted in Official News | 42 Comments »


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November 8th, 2010

Published today: the results of a long-term study on the effects of performance-enhancing drugs and technology on athletes in privately-owned sporting leagues like the Galactic Football League and Universal Rugby Association. The results were released after being held up in legal tangles for the better part of a decade: athletes who participate in these private leagues, known for casual use of banned substances, pay a dear price for a shot at galactic fame and fortune. The report details effects that include toxic levels of carcinogens, abnormal brain chemistry, sterility, and significantly shorter life spans. No species is immune; even krogan and vorcha players displayed debilitative symptoms.

Tags: Galactic Football League, sports, Universal Rugby Association


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November 6th, 2010

A recent natural disaster on the colony planet Taharon has rendered most of its available fresh water toxic. A rare seismic event opened several giant fissures under the ocean and water tables, releasing dangerous bacteria into groundwater reservoirs. Within months, most fresh water sources were found to contain lethal bacteria levels. “It’s everywhere,” says one resident. “We have to fry our running water with UV rays just to wash food or dishes. Not to mention showers. People reek.” Despite this, not one of the 3,500 colonists who live on the planet is relocating. “We’ve been here twelve years, right from the beginning,” says Ning Tsai, a local agritech. “We’re not giving up now.” He may not have a choice, however; experts agree that specific repercussions to the ecosphere cannot be predicted, but that the outlook is most certainly catastrophic.

Tags: Ning Tsai, Taharon
Posted in Official News | 27 Comments »


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November 6th, 2010

A recent natural disaster on the colony planet Taharon has rendered most of its available fresh water toxic. A rare seismic event opened several giant fissures under the ocean and water tables, releasing dangerous bacteria into groundwater reservoirs. Within months, most fresh water sources were found to contain lethal bacteria levels. “It’s everywhere,” says one resident. “We have to fry our running water with UV rays just to wash food or dishes. Not to mention showers. People reek.” Despite this, not one of the 3,500 colonists who live on the planet is relocating. “We’ve been here twelve years, right from the beginning,” says Ning Tsai, a local agritech. “We’re not giving up now.” He may not have a choice, however; experts agree that specific repercussions to the ecosphere cannot be predicted, but that the outlook is most certainly catastrophic.

Tags: Ning Tsai, Taharon
Posted in Official News | 27 Comments »


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November 5th, 2010

The human Hindu holiday of Diwali begins tonight, a festival of lights celebrating renewal, a new financial year, and the triumph of good over evil. For five days, celebrants hang traditional candle lamps called “diyas” outside their houses to guide good fortune to them or celebrate the gods’ victory over darkness. On starships where open flames consume needed oxygen, diyas are typically replaced with an LED display outside the practitioner’s cabin. Diwali is also a time for exchanging gifts, eating sweet foods, bathing with oil, and lighting firecrackers. Though often celebrated secularly, the holiday is not without its spiritual side – observant humans use the days to contemplate the inner light, or “soul”, that transcends the physical form.

Tags: Diwali, earth, Hindu, Hinduism, human


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November 4th, 2010

More institutes of higher learning are increasing pressure on the University of Serrice to return historical relics taken from the colony of Mannovai. “We’re pleased with the support,” said Mannovai Parliament Member Shayar Edcronus. “The University of Serrice doesn’t want to acknowledge the cost of their flippant cultural plundering. A trip to Serrice costs time and credits not every salarian can afford.” The University of Serrice’s Professor Baliya Haphia was quick to respond: “Four centuries ago, several of my friends on Mannovai died to help me escape with some of the colony’s oldest artifacts before a batarian fleet bombed their spaceports. There was nothing ‘flippant’ about their bravery. Our display is as much a tribute to their courage as it is to Mannovai’s past.”

Tags: Baliya Haphia, Mannovai, Shayar Edcronus, University of Serrice


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November 3rd, 2010

Salarian historians are petitioning the University of Serrice to return artifacts taken by asari anthropologists from the colony of Mannovai 400 years ago. The University’s Office of the Curator released the following statement: “While we respect Mannovai’s request, the artifacts in our collection were given freely to our representatives in good faith so that we might protect and provide access to these pieces of history. The galaxy’s turbulence has destroyed the treasures of too many civilizations, and our university has a proud tradition of providing a safe haven for items from all cultures.” The salarian collection includes paintings and sculptures commissioned within a year of the first landing on Mannovai, as well as medallions from League of One members who died in the colony’s defense.

Tags: League of One, Mannovai, University of Serrice


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November 2nd, 2010

After a week of mercenary infighting, the death toll on Omega is estimated to be anywhere from 900 to 1,100. The wounded continue pouring into clinics already tasked to capacity. Hostilities appear to have ceased, however, since the arrival of several Blue Suns freighters and a rumored meeting between gang leaders in an undisclosed nightclub on the station. The Citadel Council is maintaining its advisory against travel to Omega, noting that this peace may only be temporary.

Tags: Blue Suns, Citadel Council, Omega


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November 1st, 2010

Parents, beware: Isenberg-Wyatt Toys has unveiled a new robot that’s already flying off shelves. Battle Buddies appear to be simple blocks, but when their owners pit holograms of the toys against each other via the extranet, the real-life robots change in color, configuration, and sophistication. “They’re great,” young Battle Buddy enthusiast Paul Von Kern confided. “Once you finish enough tournaments, they look really scary, and you can make them fight from school even if you leave them home.” All this fun comes with a price tag, though: basic Battle Buddies start at 5,000 credits; tournaments, which promise special transformations for the winners, have entry fees attached.

Tags: Battle Buddies, Isenberg-Wyatt Toys


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October 31st, 2010

Don’t be surprised to find your human friends in a costume today as large portions of Earth and its colonies celebrate the holiday of Halloween. Originally a “day of the dead” in which masks were worn to scare off evil spirits, Halloween evolved into a secular holiday with popular activities such as carving fruits, wearing costumes, and the curious custom of children going house-to-house, begging for food. It’s the biggest night of the year for the candy industry — 25% of their annual sales are typically purchased for the purpose of being distributed on Halloween. This year’s hottest-selling costumes include “Zombie Huerta,” “Lili T’Nigus,” and “Geth Hunter.”

Tags: earth, Geth Hunter, Halloween, holiday, holidays, human, humans, Lili T'Nigus, President Huerta, Zombie Huerta
Posted in Official News | 67 Comments »


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October 30th, 2010

The process is quite literally stomach-turning, but gourmands across the galaxy are lining up to try Reversal, a new gastrointestinal immunosuppressant treatment that allows dextro/levo species to safely sample each other’s cuisine. The process is expensive, lasts less than 24 [Earth Standard] hours, and the food provides no nutrition, but restaurants are already busy booking dextro/levo food parties. “It’s an adventure,” says food writer and Reversal enthusiast Livian Messalina. “We’re opening up new ranges of texture and flavor to each other. Taste still varies from species to species, but that’s part of the fun.” Doctors are warning these bold new epicures to watch out for leftovers — meals should be eaten as soon as possible, and users must purge before the treatment wears off.”

Tags: dextro, levo, Livian Messalina, Reversal


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October 29th, 2010

The Systems Alliance is clashing with Binary Helix over which group has first rights to the genetic material of of newly-discovered microorganisms on Jupiter’s moon of Europa. “Europa is Alliance territory,” says Commander Lowrie, head of Intrasolar Development. “We gave Binary Helix permission to build a facility, not patents to Sol-system life.” Binary Helix spokesperson Jamie Cho replied: “The contracts signed by the Alliance were very clear: Binary Helix has first claim to any new biological life forms created, modified, or discovered on Europa. Since legal precedence is in our favor, the Alliance is trying to split hairs.”

Tags: binary helix, Commander Lowrie, Europa, Intrasolar Development, Jamie Cho, Sol, Systems Alliance


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October 28th, 2010

The Sol System is abuzz after a Binary Helix research outpost found life on Jupiter’s moon of Europa. Scientists on the Nautilus Facility, a station built underneath Europa’s vast ice sheets, discovered microorganisms inside a rock sample taken from the moon’s ocean floor. “Life is tenacious,” says head researcher Dr. Zsuzsa Gaul. “Scientists have theorized for decades that Europa could sustain an underwater ecology. It’s incredible to be at the vindication of some of the field’s earliest xenobiological hopes.” Dr. Gaul hoped to find even more sophisticated life as her team sends more probes to explore the site where the microorganisms were found.

Tags: binary helix, Europa, Jupiter, Nautilus Facility, Sol, Sol System, Zsuzsa Gaul


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October 26th, 2010

Earth’s Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture has officially designated the colony of Eden Prime as a “culturally significant site”. Eden Prime was humanity’s shining jewel, demonstrating the species could succeed on the galactic stage, before it suffered a devastating attack by geth forces led by ex-Spectre agent Saren Arterius. A public memorial and museum have been opened at the site of the destroyed colony. The opening ceremonies, scheduled for next week, will feature a visit by Systems Alliance Prime Minister Amul Shastri.

Tags: Amul Shastri, Council for the Preservation of Human History and Culture, earth, Eden Prime, geth, Prime Minister Amul Shastri, Saren Arterius, Systems Alliance


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October 26th, 2010

The luxury liner Grande Mar had to make an unscheduled stop at the now-violent Omega space station when onboard systems catastrophically failed during a routine touring cruise. The crew quickly secured passengers aboard the ship before while hastily conducting repairs. An Omega representative known as Aria T’Loak encouraged passengers to make the best of their stay and assured anyone wishing to “see the exotic sights” that Omega was safe and secure. No incidents were reported aboard the Grande despite heavy fighting reported to be taking place elsewhere on the station.

Tags: Aria T'Loak, Grande Mar, Omega


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October 25th, 2010

Travel to Omega is still off-limits as 79 more people were gunned down an hour ago in what security experts are calling “an escalating bloodbath.” Captain Quart Vadus of Elanus Risk Control claims he’s seen this kind of thing before and that it will get worse before it gets better. “It isn’t rare for Omega to experience this level of violence,” Vadus said, “but it’s rare for it to last this long. Gangs are taking advantage of the chaos to settle old scores before the power shifts again.” Asked what ordinary citizens on Omega should do to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, Vadus responded: “Hide.”

Tags: Blue Suns, Captain Quart Vadus, Elanus Risk Control, Omega, Quart Vadus


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October 24th, 2010

A botched cosmetic surgery is the centre of a three-way legal battle between representatives of asari actress Monia “Kitten” Calder, producers for the weekly drama “The Lower Wards,” and the private practice of surgeon Dr. Ahwid Francis. In documents released today by Calder’s legal representative, the actress is seeking damages from Dr. Francis for “unacceptable results” on a recent facial reconstruction procedure. In a separate but related action, the actress is suing the producers of “The Lower Wards” for “violating the contract that does not include a physical representation clause” upon her termination from the drama after nearly 18 years. The documents contend that the actress is within her rights to alter herself via elective surgery if desired.

Tags: Ahwid Francis, Dr. Ahwid Francis, Monia "Kitten" Calder, Monia Calder, The Lower Wards