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March 3rd, 2010

The manhunt to find Skye Turnick came to a fiery and tragic conclusion today. Acting on an anonymous tip, GMJ enforcers surrounded a compound on the island of Ness. Cerberus operatives inside attempted to first fight and then flee using the gunships they had used in the Turnick jailbreak. Armor-piercing missiles brought one gunship down over the compound. The other, fleeing the scene, was shot down and plummeted into a halfway house for runaway youths. Firefighters are working to contain that blaze now. Two GMJ agents have been killed, six wounded, and an estimated eleven people from the halfway house have been hospitalized. No word yet on their condition. The GMJ will not give details about the Cerberus connection, but it did confirm that the pilots of both gunships died in the crashes.

Tags: cerberus, GMJ, Ness, Skye Turnick, trident, Trident Global Maritime Justice


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March 3rd, 2010

The manhunt to find Skye Turnick came to a fiery and tragic conclusion today. Acting on an anonymous tip, GMJ enforcers surrounded a compound on the island of Ness. Cerberus operatives inside attempted to first fight and then flee using the gunships they had used in the Turnick jailbreak. Armor-piercing missiles brought one gunship down over the compound. The other, fleeing the scene, was shot down and plummeted into a halfway house for runaway youths. Firefighters are working to contain that blaze now. Two GMJ agents have been killed, six wounded, and an estimated eleven people from the halfway house have been hospitalized. No word yet on their condition. The GMJ will not give details about the Cerberus connection, but it did confirm that the pilots of both gunships died in the crashes.

Tags: cerberus, GMJ, Ness, Skye Turnick, trident, Trident Global Maritime Justice


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March 2nd, 2010

Dalatrass Narra of the colony Mannovai underwent surgery to remove a stomach polyp today. The surgery lasted two hours, and the salarian matriarch is expected to return to her duties late tomorrow night. One of her personal doctors, Jiahe Urc, commented that the polyp was benign and only noticeable due to a slight inflammation that had been causing the Dalatrass pain. Before the operation, Narra signed a letter transferring power to Vice-Dalatrass Husaru, since she would be under general anesthesia for the duration of the surgery.

Tags: Dalatrass Narra, Jiahe Urc, Mannovai, salarian, Vice-Dalatrass Husaru
Posted in Official News | 8 Comments »


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March 1st, 2010

Principal photography on the space epic “Nekyia Corridor” came to a halt today as leading lady Kate First walked off the set. Phone footage of her tantrum has hit the extranet, and helmer Morgan Bierster says it isn’t just another fake-reality eyeball-grabber. “If we wanted free marketing, she’d have been nagging us naked,” he quipped. Scribe Eddie Karbeti has reportedly been brought in to do rewrites to the sсript in order to soothe the savage starlet. Karbeti got the gig after the 28th sсript draft gave former writer Stan Kirbus permanent nerve damage in the wrists. He’d better hurry; in three days, the lease is up on the mass effect relay they’re using as a set.

Tags: Eddie Kerbeti, Kate First, Morgan Bierster, nekyia corridor, Stan Kirbus
Posted in Official News | 12 Comments »


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February 28th, 2010

The manhunt to find Skye Turnick and his Cerberus allies has slowed space traffic to a crawl on the planet of Trident. In their dragnet to catch Turnick, the Global Maritime Justice have covered every starport on the planet. Citics say it’s not a wise strategy. “There seems to be a hurry to show that they’re doing something when the most likely route off the planet is straight up,” said Ranier Drakensburg, mayor of Black Bay, Andrada. GMJ responded in a press conference today, saying that they had no evidence that the alleged Cerberus criminals had single-stage-to-orbit capability. Additionally, many of the spaceports were already closed today due to the inclement weather that plagues Trident throughout its rainy season.

Tags: Andrada, Black Bay, cerberus, Ranier Drakensburg, Skye Turnick, trident, Trident Global Maritime Justice
Posted in Official News | 22 Comments »


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February 27th, 2010

Transworld 1 opened its doors for the first time today, inducting it into official records as the tallest building in the known galaxy. Built on the planet of Kosh in the Attican Traverse, Transworld 1 has its 1002 stories devoted to shopping malls, office space, three hotels, a zoo and aquarium, and of course parking. Situated on a world where the gravity is only 70% of galactic standard, the building uses mass effect fields to lighten the load in key areas. This extravagance is paid for by a marked increase in rent — office space in Transworld 1 comes at a pricey 61,000 credits per square meter per year.

Tags: Attican Traverse, Kosh, Transworld 1


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February 26th, 2010

Skye Turnick, the sole surviving member of the Cerberus cell responsible for the now-infamous “torture den” of captive aliens on the Terminus Systems planet Trident, escaped from custody at 9:37 local time this morning. A paramilitary attack using vectored thrust gunships destroyed the escort boats surrounding the prisoner transport and then took off with Turnick. Other prisoners in the transport bore witness to the event, some of them even helping the guards out of the water. Trident’s Maritime Justice Department reports no leads in locating the escape craft, noting that Trident has only a few high-res spy satellites or down-looking radar balloons to be tasked to such an operation. Asked if she believes the attack was commanded by Cerberus elements, Special Agent in Charge Angela Rhow said, “If it looks like a bomb and explodes like a bomb, it’s a bomb.”

Tags: Angela Rhow, cerberus, Skye Turnick, Terminus Systems, trident


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February 25th, 2010

A Mantis spaceplane led the Earth Systems Alliance fleet on a high-speed chase tonight, originating in Mexico City. Sixteen-year-old Jorge Asensio reportedly stole the plane from a poorly secured mercenary landing pad, having learned how to fly from a flight simulator computer game and the ship’s onboard VI. Following major highways to his school, he buzzed the soccer field before the United North American States Air Force scrambled to deal with him. Climbing to the upper atmosphere, he outran pursuing planes, was then pursued by the Systems Alliance fighters in low Earth orbit, then ran out of fuel over Antarctica. After parachuting from the plane, he froze to death before authorities found his body. Charges of criminal negligence are now being filed with the Tiburón Rojo mercenary company.

Tags: Air Force, earth, Earth Systems Alliance, human, humans, Jorge Asensio, Systems Alliance, Tiburón Rojo, United North American States
Posted in Official News | 21 Comments »


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February 24th, 2010

The annual One Future Summit, a seven-day convention held on the asari homeworld of Thessia by ecological conservation groups across the galaxy, opened its doors today. Attendance for the convention is estimated at 200,000 per day with another 300,000 appearing virtually. All profits will be donate to conservational causes. This year’s theme is terraforming. The convention hosts such luminaries as Iali T’Nuson and Ben Vabo. Elsewhere in the host city, the more radical fringe has reportedly set up a parallel, underground convention called the One Chance Summit in which ecoterrorism techniques are not barred from discussion.

Tags: asari, Ben Vabo, ecoterrorism, Iali T'Nuson, One Chance Summit, One Future Summit, Thessia
Posted in Official News | 5 Comments »


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February 23rd, 2010

Militant separatists on the turian colony of Taetrus have claimed responsibility for a downed commercial cruiser that crashed into a remote farming village on the planet. Believed to be a botched hijacking, the cruiser was going at orbital velocities when it hit the ground, creating a furrow three kilometers long and setting fire to the surrounding countryside. There were no survivors. Fire experts say the flight recorder is unlikely to have survived an impact at such speeds, which can exceed thirty thousand kilometers per hour.

Tags: Taetrus, turian
Posted in Official News | 2 Comments »


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February 22nd, 2010

This weekend’s galactic box office crown went to the new dramedy hospital buddy actioner Heartbeat, at 3.8 billion credits, edging out the romantic horror Night Winds at 2.9 billion. In at third is the sleeper hit With Soft Shoe Number, at 800 million credits, surpassing its previous three weeks on the charts. The no-budget comedy about a volus and an elcor trying to make it on Broadway apparently has staying power, confounding elcor and volus critics who roasted the film.

Tags: Broadway, elcor, Heartbeat, Night Wings, volus, With Soft Shoe Number


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February 21st, 2010

Filming of the space epic Nekyia Corridor took a turn for the worse today as lightning struck the leading man. Nathan Gold, star of the 5.1-billion-credits-so-far enterprise, was strapped to the surface of a spaceship in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant when lightning hit the hull. Insulated against most of the effect, the Golden One had his suit’s electronics suite fried and had to signal for assistance to get oxygen. Director Morgan Bierester says that he hopes the footage will stay in the final cut of the film. “You can’t make stuff like this up,” says Bierester. “It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime sensation.”

Tags: morgan bierester, nathan gold, nekyia corridor


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February 20th, 2010

Tonight’s telethon to assist the disaster-struck planet of Belan should be a star-studded affair. A-list entertainers such as Alis Price Vladamir Bukin will appear in the 2-hour special, directed by Ronny Lam. So full is the guest list that the entire cast of the extranet series Crashcart was turned away at the door. Legends like Amita Valla will be putting in the hours working the comm units. “We want to let Belan know we’re a caring galaxy,” she says, “and if it takes some rich and spoiled entertainers to call attention to the fact that a few million people just died, we’re there for you, sister.”

Tags: alis price vladamir buki, amita valla, belan, cr1331, crashcart, hanar, kingu


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February 19th, 2010

The governmental response to the situation on Belan is receiving fire today. As fresh food supplies spoil, starvation and looting have become rampant. Some cities such as New Plentiful have been spared the worst of the chaos as their geography allows for emergency air- and spacelifts of supplies. Others, such as the subarctic city of Whitecap, must deal with a paralyzing lack of infrastructure as well as temperature extremes. The official global death toll has reached 110,000 and estimates place the complete figure anywhere from 1.1 to 3.5 million.

Tags: belan, cr1331, hanar, kingu, new plentiful, whitecap
Posted in Official News | 2 Comments »



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Now that the celebrations on the planet Turvess have ended, a raloi delegation has been sent to the Citadel for a three-month stay. The delegation will be educated in intergalactic law, history, alien biology and culture, and the rudiments of mass effect physics. Due to an outbreak of the H7N7 flu virus that infected the avian raloi during the opening ceremonies on their planet, the raloi on the Citadel will wear environmental suits whenever they are in contact with an alien species.

@темы: citadel, h7n7, raloi, turvess



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Six members of a group calling itself TruthHax has been arrested for the illegal uploading of sensitive economic data from the Citadel Council. An additional four members of the group were shot to death in what appears to be an internal struggle. Tela Vasir, the Spectre assigned to the case, had no comment on her role in these matters, saying only that she considers the case resolved and is pleased with the rapid results.

@темы: asari, citadel, council, spectre, tela vasir, truthhax


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February 16th, 2010

C-Sec authorities have arrested a turian lawmaker on the Citadel who was funding a krogan project to rebuild a dreadnought on the planet of Tuchanka. Ellis Valterus, duarch of the Meade Cluster, smuggled everything from blueprints to rare materials to backpacks full of cash to the Talyth clan, according to C-Sec officials. The sting operation to capture Valterus took one and a half years. If successfully prosecuted, Valterus faces life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Tags: c-sec, citadel, ellis valterus, krogan, meade cluster, talyth clan, tuchanka, turian


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February 15th, 2010

The Citadel Council delegation to the newly welcomed planet Turvess ejected its krogan representatives today after the introduction of a krogan sport called kowla devolved into a brawl that left three dead and fourteen injured. The krogan representatives denounced the ejection, saying that kowla was successfully introduced to Turvess “with its traditions fully intact,” and that there was no need to overreact. A poll taken among the Turvess indicated that only 21% opposed the move to remove the krogan from the remainder of the ceremonies.

Tags: citadel, council, kowla, krogan, raloi, sports, turvess


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February 14th, 2010

Many human planets and colonies celebrate St. Valentine’s Day today, a holiday themed around romantic love and the greeting card industry. Prospective or established mating partners exchange love notes with one another, and some add gifts of cut flowers, jewelry, or sugary confections in the hopes of receiving sexual favors. Industry insiders estimate over 2 billion Valentine messages will be sent this year on Earth and an additional 5 billion throughout the human colonies. The holiday is rapidly spreading among the asari and volus, who embrace its unusual mix of commerce and reproduction.

Tags: asari, earth, human, st valentines day, volus


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February 13th, 2010

The verdict is in and the news is stunning. Aish Ashland attempted to switch her own DNA at the Hollywood Bank of Fame with those of her estranged fraternal twin Mina. The socialite said in interviews today that this was her way of apologizing to Mina for a lifetime of stealing her boyfriends and tormenting her. “My twin sister has always been the best of our family,” Aish said, “and I knew the world didn’t need more Aishes. It needed more Minas, so I substituted a cheek swab of hers instead of my own.” The odds placed on Mina at gambling casinos came in at 42:1, the highest of any of her female relatives. Mina Ashland could not be reached for comment.

Tags: aish ashland, humans, mina ashland