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Game criticized for portrayal of Cerberus
June 13th, 2011

Grand Star Entertainment is in the news for Cerberus Agent, their newly released shooter-RPG hybrid. According to critics, Cerberus Agent portrays Cerberus in an overly positive light, while glossing over or ignoring the more checkered aspects of its history.

“The game doesn’t let the player question the Cerberus recruiter about most of the group’s past,” said Deborah Murkowski, with the group Cerberus Watch. “Even when you can, the concerns are dismissed, like they’re nothing important.” In response, a Grand Star representative said, “We take those concerns seriously. However, the game is supposed to be fun, not a documentary.”

Tags: cerberus, Cerberus Agent, Cerberus Watch, Deborah Murkowski, Grand Star Entertainment
Posted in Unofficial News | 48 Comments »


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Archeologists access Kal’Ala databases
June 12th, 2011

Dr. Telea N’Vir reports that her team has accessed some of the databases on the dead colony in the Kal’Ala system. She confirmed that the colonists arrived on the planet via sleeper ship. She explained that they arrived “between 1500-2000 years ago,” and that they fled their home system because its sun had become unstable.

The team has also been exploring the colony’s vast underground network, which they estimate was inhabited for nearly 75 years. Included in the network were living quarters, resource mining operations, and basic manufacturing plants. Evidence has emerged that the colonists may also have been in the early stages of assembling a primitive terraforming program for their new world. Attempts at piecing together the colony’s final days, however, indicate that it fell victim to a plague that spread rapidly and left all inhabitants dead.

Tags: Kal'Ala System
Posted in Unofficial News | 80 Comments »


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Council delegation meets with quarians
June 11th, 2011

As governments throughout the galaxy have expressed interest in the recent quarian element zero find, the Citadel Council has sent a delegation to meet with quarian representatives at a neutral location. The Council has stated that it intends to negotiate on behalf of all Citadel Space governments and corporations.

If the Council delegation is given the coordinates to the deposit, it is expected that access will be shared among Citadel Space stakeholders. The Batarian Hegemony, which has also expressed interest in the deposit, issued a statement today in which it attacked the Council for “attempting to starve the Hegemony of a critical resource.”

[via Galactic Mineral News]

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, Citadel Council, element zero, Migrant Fleet, Quarian Flotilla


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Dissident art exhibit to tour Citadel space
June 10th, 2011

An exhibit featuring works by the batarian dissident artist Vin Gahk is scheduled to begin a six month tour of Citadel space tomorrow. The Batarian Hegemony banned and destroyed most of Gahk’s works when they jailed him for “counter-hegemonist activities.” However, twenty-two were smuggled out of batarian space by his brother, Untihl Gahk, who currently lives in exile on Illium. Gahk’s paintings have been praised for their ability to illustrate small moments of beauty in the ugliness of ordinary Hegemony life. A full schedule of the tour can be found on the extranet, keywords “Vin Gahk” and “freedom.”

Tags: Batarian, Batarian Hegemony, Untihl Gahk, Vin Gahk


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MP Auberger resigns from Parliament
June 8th, 2011

Alliance MP Matthew Auberger, a former member of the Terra Firma Party, announced his resignation from the Systems Alliance Parliament today. In a rambling, 38 minute speech, a visibly angry Auberger accused his political enemies of causing his downfall. “The administration of Prime Minister Shastri is the most corrupt the Alliance has ever seen,” Auberger stated. “My willingness to stand up for humanity, to denounce unwise and unfair relationships with alien powers, caused them too many problems. So they opted to destroy me by leaking information from an ongoing ABI investigation.”

Auberger’s former allies in the Terra Firma Party applauded his resignation, with one calling it “overdue.” Connie Madore, a Terra Firma MP from Earth, stated that “the Alliance Parliament, and Terra Firma, can now move on to more important issues.” Auberger’s seat will remain vacant until Bekenstein can hold a special election to fill it. The governor of Bekenstein has not yet issued a statement, but it is widely expected that any such special election will be sometime within the next three months.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Connie Madore, Matthew Auberger, Systems Alliance, Terra Firma


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Quarians discover element zero deposit
June 7th, 2011

Reports from the frontier indicate that the quarian flotilla has discovered a massive deposit of element zero in an uncharted system. Independent analysts contacted by the flotilla say that, if the data they have looked at is true, it could be one of the largest element zero deposits in the known galaxy.

Governments and energy companies from throughout the galaxy are said to be interested in the coordinates for the find. “This system has more element zero than the quarians could possibly mine,” said one industry insider. “The quarians just found themselves a major bargaining chip.”

[via Galactic Mineral News]

Tags: element zero, Flotilla, Galactic Mineral News, quarians
Posted in Unofficial News | 81 Comments »


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L6 scandal fallout: Armax investigates, Elkoss drops case, L6 Consortium splits
June 6th, 2011

Galaxy-wide repercussions today in the aftermath of the discovery of stolen L6 biotic implant schematics. First, in a brief written statement, Armax Arsenal CEO Caesun Armax said that the company’s internal investigators had concluded that Sectus Sempara, an Armax executive caught with the stolen schematics, likely masterminded the complicated scheme to steal them, and was preparing to sell them to a representative of the Elkoss Combine, the volus conglomerate attempting to design a competing implant. Armax apologized to the company’s board and shareholders for his failure to stop the theft. In response, the Elkoss Combine announced that it was dropping its conspiracy and patent infringement complaint against the L6 Consortium; in a brief statement Combine CEO Vonar Osk said that Elkoss would start development on an L7 implant to be released in 2192 and optimized for use by turians and salarians.

In a final development, the L6 Consortium announced that it is disbanding over “irreconcilable differences” between its members over whether to maintain exclusive control over L6 development, or to release the L6 schematics as open-source. In an exclusive interview, Sirta Foundation president Ashapurna Sirta-Bose said that the theft of the L6 design was proof that the L6 implant should have been open-source all along. “We joined the Consortium to help sentients use biotic powers for a greater good without fear of disability. But technology can only benefit sentients if it is shared, not hoarded. Sharing is the source of all profit. No one can steal something you willingly give.”

[via Ars Biotica]

Tags: Armax Arsenal, Ars Biotica, Elkoss Combine, L6 Consortium
Posted in Unofficial News | 46 Comments »


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Spectre D’Rana describes alleged “attack”
June 5th, 2011

Spectre Mira D’Rana gave the media a second chance early this morning, accepting an interview request from the PNC News Corporation to speak about the recent allegations of assault made by Niklaus Westergaard. Mirroring her impromptu interview with Westergaard earlier in the year, D’Rana provided a statement of her own, dodging all lines of questioning regarding her personal life or her career, and outright refusing to discuss the identity of the turian that accompanied her during her public debut on the Tayseri Ward.

In lieu of answering PNC News’s questions, the Spectre stated, “Mr. Westergaard’s accusations are nonsense. Citadel Security’s report was accurate. Westergaard interrupted an anti-narcotics [operation] in progress. I’ve been scaling down my involvement on the Tayseri Ward, so I was only present to provide ground-level intelligence. Westergaard is obsessed with me — I don’t know if it’s professional or personal. He thought I might have been there, acted on a hunch, snuck past a Citadel Security perimeter, and blundered across a hotzone. I revealed my location to try and divert attention away from him and onto me. His injuries are unfortunate, but he could be dead.”

When asked if she would cooperate were Westergaard to take legal action against her, D’Rana stated, “No. Absolutely not. The footage of what happened is out there for everyone to see and I have more important things to do.”

Tags: FCC News, Mira D'Rana, Niklaus Westergaard, PNC News
Posted in Unofficial News | 77 Comments »


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Archeological team explores ancient colony
June 4th, 2011

A multi-species archeological team arrived at the dead colony on Kal’Ala IV, and has begun reporting their findings. In a report to the press, Dr. Telea N’Vir, the team leader, stated that the team is “just beginning to learn the basics” about the dead civilization, and that technical experts are trying to “figure out and access any computer databanks that might still be functional.”

Based on art, photographs, and recovered remains from the archeological site, it would appear that the average member of the deceased civilization was slightly shorter and wider than humans and had three eyes, two legs, two arms, an orange skin tone, and hands that consisted of four digits each.

Tags: Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Telea N'Vir
Posted in Unofficial News | 52 Comments »


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Scandal rocks clawball league
June 3rd, 2011

The Turian Hierarchy is in shock today, following the public confessions of twelve clawball players. In the confessions, the players admitted to routinely throwing games, either to promote the careers of friends on other teams, or to earn extra credits through black market gambling.

The confessions were obtained following a comprehensive, eight month investigation by Hierarchy officials. All twelve players are expected to face prosecution, as well as possible demotion from their current citizenship tiers. Most of the players would not talk to reporters, but one, Rednus Hallick, said, “This is bigger than the Hierarchy thinks. We’re just the ones who got caught.”

Tags: clawball, Rednus Hallick
Posted in Unofficial News | 60 Comments »


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Man accused of illegal arms dealing released
June 2nd, 2011

Suspected illegal arms trafficker Dmitri Costas was set free yesterday when officials in charge of the investigation cited a “lack of evidence” in the case. Costas was offered a full apology, and in a statement to the press he said he just wants to “get this whole mess behind [him].” Patri Andros, who was relieved of the investigation before this decision was made, has said he is “outraged” at the news. Andros says that there was more than enough evidence to put Costas behind bars for multiple life sentences, and that he will do everything in his power to put Costas back into custody.

Tags: Dmitri Costas, Patri Andros
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »


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New details arise in alleged Spectre attack
June 1st, 2011

New details of the altercation between Spectre Mira D’Rana and FCC News correspondent Niklaus Westergaard have been released by PNC News Corporation and Citadel Security. PNC footage shows that while the Spectre did pull a pistol and the camera drone did suffer spontaneous, violent damage, the Spectre’s weapon was not directed at Westergaard and did not fire, intentionally or otherwise.

A C-Sec spokesman issued a statement confirming the accuracy of the PNC News footage, elaborating that the event occurred while an anti-narcotics operation, which the Spectre was coordinating, was in progress. The C-Sec spokesman stated that while a live round did strike the reporter’s drone, it was from an angle that would have been impossible for D’Rana to achieve at the moment of impact, even if she had pulled the trigger. There are suspects in custody, but the investigation is ongoing. Spectre D’Rana is cooperating with Citadel Security on the matter.

Tags: FCC News, Mira D'Rana, Niklaus Westergaard, PNC News
Posted in Unofficial News | 128 Comments »


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L6 schematics found with Armax Executive; employee claims innocence
May 31st, 2011

The mystery behind the theft of the schematics for the L6 biotic implant deepened today. Police on Illium announced they have arrested Sectus Sempara, a senior executive of the Palaven-based Armax Arsenal, and charged him with receiving the stolen schematics. The schematics were discovered during a routine random inspection of Sempara’s palmtop terminal as he arrived on Illium after a flight from Palaven. He was detained as soon as police discovered the schematics, which were later found to contain L6 data reported stolen from all four of the break-in sites on Earth, Luna, and Terra Nova. Later investigation revealed that Sempara had booked passage from Illium to Omega, and had received multiple deposits to a volus bank account he opened under an assumed name. At a hearing in Nos Astra this afternoon, Sempara told the presiding judge he is innocent of the charges, but refused further comment as he was being led away. Sempara is currently being held in the Nos Astra Prison, pending extradition to Earth to face charges. Neither L6 Consortium representatives nor the Alliance Ministry of Justice would comment on these developments.

[via Ars Biotica]

Tags: Armax Arsenal, Ars Biotica, L6 Consortium, Sectus Sempara
Posted in Unofficial News | 104 Comments »


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FCC News correspondent claims Spectre attack
May 30th, 2011

FCC News correspondent Niklaus Westergaard has been hospitalized due to injuries received while attempting to interview asari Spectre Mira D’Rana, who recently became known for her involvement in C-Sec affairs on the Citadel. Details of the altercation are unclear, but Westergaard claims that D’Rana became belligerent, pulled a pistol, and unloaded a round into his camera drone, shredding its outer casing. Shrapnel from the drone’s casing became embedded in the right side of Westergaard’s face, partially blinding him. Early evaluations predict he will regain his vision and will suffer no permanent scarring.

Tags: c-sec, Mira D'Rana, Niklaus Westergaard
Posted in Unofficial News | 44 Comments »


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Survey crew discovers dead colony
May 29th, 2011

A Salarian Union survey crew exploring the uncharted Kal’Ala System has discovered a dead colony on the system’s fourth planet. Cursory examinations seem to indicate that the colony was formed by a previously unknown civilization, using technology roughly equivalent to Earth’s late 21st century. It is speculated that the colonists likely arrived using sub-light, “sleeper ship” technology.

An archeological team consisting of experts from across Citadel space is being assembled for an expedition to examine the ruins. The colony appears to have mostly been developed underground, on a world lacking an atmosphere, and experts expect that many of the ruins will be well preserved.

Tags: Kal'Ala System, Salarian Union
Posted in Unofficial News | 39 Comments »


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Group petitions for Spectre records
May 28th, 2011

The Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition has filed a petition with the Citadel Council, asking for the release of information on all Spectre activities within Alliance space for the past two decades. The petition follows recent ACLC allegations that the Spectres have a history of abuse of power, torture, and the circumvention of normal judicial proceedings.

ACLC head Wolfgang Hartmann said, “We need to shine a light on the Spectres’ shadowy operations.” The ACLC originally opposed Citadel membership for the Alliance, on the grounds that allowing Spectres to operate within the Alliance would violate cherished legal traditions.

Tags: Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition, Citadel Council, Spectres
Posted in Unofficial News | 74 Comments »


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Actress curve glides to celebrate birthday
May 27th, 2011

Human actress/comedian Sophia Boxer celebrated her 100th birthday in an unusual way, today: By curve gliding on the Citadel. The actress, known for decades of award winning roles, “took off” and glided over the curve of Kithoi Ward, following a party attended by close friends and relatives. Boxer was met by C-Sec upon landing, and proceeded to spend the rest of her birthday in jail. In a statement, the actress told reporters, “It was worth it.” C-Sec seems to disagree, and reiterated the danger that curve gliding poses to public safety.

Posted in Unofficial News | 45 Comments »


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L6 implant schematics stolen in four coordinated break-ins
May 26th, 2011

The biotics world is reeling from revelations that schematics for the new L6 biotic implant have been stolen in four separate and simultaneous thefts on three Alliance worlds. The L6 Consortium, a multi-species group of 15 companies which developed the next-generation implant, informed the Alliance Ministries of Justice and Defense about the thefts two days ago, after Consortium researchers found evidence of unauthorized downloads. Two of the break-ins took place on Earth, one at the headquarters of Biotik-Wissenschaften GmbH in Berlin, and one at the laboratories of the Sirta Foundation in Kolkata. The other two took place on Luna at the Aldrin Laboratories Development Station near Armstrong, and on Terra Nova at the Eos Institute for Biotics Research in Amundsen. According to the MoJ, all four break-ins took place within two hours, and all were physical, as the Consortium requires its member companies to keep the schematics on airwalled networks inaccessible through the extranet. The L6 Consortium is offering a substantial reward for any information leading to the arrest of the thieves. Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact the Alliance Ministry of Justice, extranet keyword: L6theft.

[via Ars Biotica]

Tags: Ars Biotica, L6 Consortium
Posted in Unofficial News | 65 Comments »


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Illegal arms dealer in custody
May 25th, 2011

Dmitri Costas, suspected arms trafficker, was arrested earlier yesterday outside his villa in the European Union city of Marseilles. Citadel Trade Security, working closely with the Systems Alliance and local Earth governments, put Dmitri into custody on the charges of breaking twelve arms embargoes in the Terminus systems. Costas was a major supplier of military grade weapons to several Terminus despots and terrorist forces.

“I’m certain that Mr. Costas will receive the justice that has so long eluded him,” said Patri Ardros, the agent in charge of the investigation, adding, “It’s people like him who keep that part of the galaxy so inhospitable.”

Tags: Citadel Trade Security, Dmitri Costas, earth, European Union, Marseilles, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 99 Comments »


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Biotics Union to promote bio-amp safety
May 24th, 2011

Is your bio-amp firmware up to date? The Biotics Union has begun a new ad campaign to promote bio-amp safety. The ads, which will run for the next month, will encourage biotics to make sure that they are using the newest version of their amp’s firmware. The ad campaign follows a recent incident on Mars, in which a biotic teen was injured after a classmate hacked her amp. According to a Biotics Union spokesperson, “Outdated firmware can leave bio-amps vulnerable to hacking. Many users disable the automatic updates, and we want to make sure they’re secure.”

Tags: bio-amp, Biotics Union
Posted in Unofficial News | 43 Comments »