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Colonial League responds to Earth critics
July 10th, 2011

Colonial League President Savion Hunter appeared via holo from Demeter on BBC Morning today, as the League fired back at its critics in the ongoing row over its “Declare Your Independence” ad campaign. Responding to governments who accused the League of whitewashing the dangers faced by colonists, Hunter responded “The Colonial League isn’t a bunch of wildcat colonies out in the Terminus, we’re the oldest, safest, and most established ex-solar colonies, we’re all loyal to the Alliance and all under the Alliance’s protection.”

Hunter also countered accusations that the ads painted a misleading portrait of colonial life, saying that Earth was similarly using bad news about the colonies to promote its own agenda. “Everyone with a stake in keeping humans on Earth latched onto stories like the geth attack on Eden Prime or the attack on Elysium – they’re trying to scare people into staying. Without humans on Earth, who’s going to buy all their consumer products, take out new lines of credit, be entertained by their mindless media? Who’s going to pay the exorbitant taxes that fund the pet projects of politicians? Who’s going to be subjected to all the new regulations Earth’s bureaucrats dream up? Earth used to have a monopoly on livable space for humans. Now it doesn’t. We’re just showing Earth’s people what Earth’s leaders don’t want them to see!”

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Colonial League, Savion Hunter


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Influenza cases still reported
July 8th, 2011

Although the Citadel has not reported a new case of influenza since April, the Systems Alliance Center for Disease Control reports scattered cases of the strain that spread throughout the Alliance and to the Citadel earlier this year. “There are a few nations on Earth, as well as a handful of colonies, that are suffering isolated cases,” said Dr. Meghan Bryer. “We’ve assembled a list of affected locations on our extranet site. Although there have been few fatalities from this strain, we encourage any humans or asari traveling to those locations to take appropriate precautions.”

Tags: flu, influenza, Systems Alliance


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Court rules on alien protections
July 7th, 2011

In a landmark decision, the Alliance Supreme Court has struck down a Shanxi law for violating the rights of non-humans. Arguing that non-humans lack protection from the Alliance Constitution, Shanxi allowed local authorities to conduct warrantless searches of the homes, vehicles, and property of all aliens. The lawsuit was brought by an asari agricultural consultant, after local authorities conducted warrantless searches of her apartment eight times over the course of two months. In the decision, the majority stated that the Alliance Constitution “protects sapient rights, not just human rights.” Civil liberties groups are celebrating the decision, while anti-alien groups claim it has created a risk to Alliance national security.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Shanxi, Systems Alliance


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“Declare Your Independence” campaign draws fire from Earth leaders
July 6th, 2011

The Colonial League’s new “Declare Your Independence” campaign was the target of heated attacks around Earth today. In the Chinese People’s Federation, government officials pulled the ads from all public broadcasting and public areas, claiming that the ads’ tagline is an incitement to rebellion by Earth’s colonies, many of which were built with Chinese funds. These sentiments were echoed by UNAS Defense Secretary Dominic Howell. Meanwhile, European Union Minister of Consumer Affairs Celine Leroux denounced the advertisements as “misleading,” saying that the ads did not mention the dangers faced by Alliance colonists from slavers, pirates, and other groups who have been attacking human colonies with increasing frequency. She advised all EU citizens to be wary of settling on colonies outside of the Solar system, given the “precarious” state of the Alliance Navy and the “known inadequacies” of colonial defenses. Minister Leroux also noted that colonial emigration appeared to be increasingly popular among EU citizens as a way to hide income from Earth taxation.

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Colonial League, earth


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Chamber contains Kal’Alite DNA
July 5th, 2011

The team examining the Kal’Ala IV DNA chamber has made a startling discovery: The chamber contains not only thousands of samples from plants and animals, but also DNA from the Kal’Alites themselves. Examination has discovered nearly 4000 unique Kal’Alite DNA samples, each of which is perfectly preserved.

In a statement, Dr. Telea N’Vir said that the find has caused the team to reevaluate their theory on the chamber. “We still think that the plants and animals were likely intended for terraforming,” Dr. N’Vir said. “But the Kal’Alite DNA indicates that they may have also intended the chamber to guarantee the survival of their own species. Perhaps by cloning prominent artists, scientists, and thinkers who were unable to leave their homeworld.”

Tags: Dr. Telea N'Vir, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Telea N'Vir


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Trident pilot stops slaver attack
July 3rd, 2011

Fredrick “Fritz” Gallin, a fighter pilot with the Trident Defense Force, has gained galactic attention today. Gallin was part of a fighter wing that battled an attempted slaver raid. Most of Gallin’s squad was destroyed, but rather than retreating, the pilot engaged in a series of maneuvers that caused two slaver frigates to collide with each other. The collision slowed invading forces long enough for reinforcements to arrive. It is expected that Gallin will receive one of Trident’s highest military awards.

Tags: Frederick Gallin, trident
Posted in Unofficial News | 43 Comments »


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Colonial League launches controversial new ad campaign
July 1st, 2011

A new advertising campaign by the Alliance’s colonies is attracting attention in more ways than one. The ads are made by the Colonial League, a group of established Alliance colonies promoting trade and immigration. Under the slogan “Declare Your Independence,” the ads use news holovids to contrast Earth with the colonies, drawing attention to the colonies’ low unemployment, economic growth, high quality of life, safe environments, and available space for housing and farming.

The ads premiered on planetwide news and entertainment vids and holobillboards in 500 major cities amid protests by local Earth governments, with some cities banning the advertisements from public transportation. Many locals were outraged by the ads as well. Said one London resident, “Yes, we’ve got riots, crime, and man-made disasters on Earth. But these ads are dishonest, they’re overstatements of Earth’s problems.” Others defended the advertisements, with one commenter from Liverpool writing, “These ads work because there’s truth in them. I doubt colony life is so easy, but Earth has so many problems, can we blame people for wanting to leave?”

[Via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Colonial League
Posted in Unofficial News | 73 Comments »


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Veterans report employment problems
June 29th, 2011

Are veterans being left out? A recent survey by the Veterans of Galactic Wars reports high unemployment among former C-Space service members. According to the survey, a disproportionately large number of veterans report being unemployed, despite the beginnings of a turnaround in the galactic economy.

The problem varies by government, with the Turian Hierarchy showing little veteran unemployment, while the Systems Alliance and Salarian Union show the worst levels. The VGW expressed concern with the findings, noting that many veterans feel forced into mercenary work when they cannot find other employment.

Tags: C-Space, Salarian Union, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy, Veterans of Galactic Wars
Posted in Unofficial News | 70 Comments »


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DNA chamber discovered on Kal’Ala IV
June 28th, 2011

Dr. Telea N’Vir reports that her archeological team has accessed a massive, heavily protected chamber that contains preserved DNA samples from the Kal’Alites’ homeworld. Although the team has yet to survey every sample, early examination has found DNA from thousands of plants and animals in the chamber.

Dr. N’Vir said that her team is still developing theories on the DNA chamber, but stated that, “our early working assumption is that the Kal’Alites intended to use the DNA to clone plants and animals from their homeworld, and ‘seed’ them on their new world as part of the terraforming process.” The doctor has requested that additional experts in archeology and biology be sent to help catalogue the new find.

Tags: Dr. Telea N'Vir, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Telea N'Vir
Posted in Unofficial News | 52 Comments »


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Privateer incident raises Arcturus safety questions
June 27th, 2011

Alliance authorities are investigating an incident yesterday between two privateer vessels on approach to Arcturus Station. The privateers were awaiting permission to dock when they began firing on each other. Alliance fighters from Arcturus immediately interceded in the dispute, and the firefight ended with little damage to either vessel. The crews of both ships were detained upon docking.

The incident has raised questions about the safety of the space immediately around Arcturus. Daniel DeSalvo, with the group Arcturus Public Safety, told reports, “This is a sad illustration of how dangerous Arcturus has become. We’ve seen a major spike in visits from questionable elements. There should be tighter restrictions on who can dock here.” However, Commander Amy Gorman, with the Arcturus based 22nd fighter division, said, “Our quick response proves just how secure Arcturus is. We interceded before anyone was hurt or any serious damage was done.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Beacon, Amy Gorman, Arcturus Station, Daniel DeSalvo
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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Krogan praised for bravery on human colony
June 25th, 2011

Gatatog Rokk, a krogan construction worker, is being called a hero today in the fledgling human colony New Milwaukee. On his way to the local market, Rokk saved the life of 6-year-old Meredith Wagner when, upon seeing an aircar swerving erratically and rapidly losing altitude, he shielded the girl with his body and absorbed the impact of the crash. The krogan stayed with the girl and her parents until an emergency medical team arrived on the scene. The medics offered to take Rokk to proper medical facilities to apply sealant to his freshly-cracked crest, but he declined the offer, saying, “I didn’t get to buy dinner yet.” Before leaving the scene, Rokk added, “Give the girl a sticker or whatever it is human kids like.”

Tags: Gatatog Rokk, Meredith Wagner, New Milwaukee
Posted in Unofficial News | 64 Comments »


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Primarch Valtora undergoes brain surgery
June 24th, 2011

Turian officials announced today that Primarch Janelus Valtora has undergone brain surgery at the Hieroclus Medical Center on Palaven. Primarch Valtora arrived at the medical center recently to undergo a thorough medical examination. Doctors there discovered an unusual growth on his brain, and immediately rushed him into surgery. The Primarch has not regained consciousness, but is said to have excellent odds of survival. “Hieroclus has an excellent staff,” said Dr. Agora Tridus, with the Hierarchy Medical Service. “If the information I’ve seen is correct, he is likely to recover completely.”

Tags: Hieroclus Medical Center, Palaven, Primarch Janelus Valtora, Primarch Valtora
Posted in Unofficial News | 14 Comments »


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Longest case of insomnia cured
June 23rd, 2011

The longest case of insomnia in the known galaxy is cured. Sources on the asari colony of Lucinia report that Aleena Nadana slept without medical assistance for the first time in nearly 700 years. Nadana’s insomnia stemmed from a harsh combat experience during her time with her local settlement’s militia. Despite frequent visits to specialists, she was never cured of what became a well publicized condition. Family members of the former huntress confirmed that she recently made unexpected progress in dealing with her past, which may have helped with the sleep disorder.

Tags: Aleena Nadana, Lucinia
Posted in Unofficial News | 71 Comments »


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Volus wins Code of Honor tournament
June 21st, 2011

Olan Sed has won a surprise victory at the annual N7: Code of Honor: Medal of Duty tournament. Competing for the first time, Sed shocked tournament spectators and participants by quickly knocking out heavily favored players such as Vladimir Davidson, Nivo Allis, and Pranay Chung, and by narrowly defeating Arga Neffelan, last year’s champion, in the final round. Sed, a dropout from Irune Unviersity’s School of Business, says that he plans to use the 50,000 credit prize to upgrade his gaming rig, and that he hopes this victory will help him break into the world of professional gaming.

Tags: Code of Honor, Olan Sed
Posted in Unofficial News | 52 Comments »


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Hanar religious panel sparks fight
June 20th, 2011

Footage of yesterday’s hanar religious panel on the Citadel has become one of the most widely viewed videos on the extranet, following a physical confrontation between two of the panel’s members. The panel, which was sponsored by the Future Content Corporation, was meant to expose the broader galaxy to the religious debates that have been sparked within the “Enkindler” religion regarding the age of the mass relay system.

Trouble began when two members of the panel, Momorran, who has been open to the scientific findings, and Bindo, who insists that the findings are fraudulent and heretical to the Enkindlers, began arguing. Eventually, Bindo began thrashing its tentacles at Momorran, who responded in kind. C-Sec quickly intervened, but not before FCC reporter Emily Wong, the panel moderator, suffered minor injuries.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Bindo, c-sec, citadel, Emily Wong, Enkindlers, Future Content Corporation, hanar, Momorran
Posted in Unofficial News | 46 Comments »


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Archeologists discover Kal’Ala sleeper chamber
June 19th, 2011

Dr. Telea N’Vir reports that her team has discovered a sleep pod chamber on the dead Kal’Ala IV colony. In an e-mailed statement, she said, “It would seem that as the plague spread, the few remaining Kal’Alites attempted to use tech from their sleeper ship to survive. Unfortunately, it appears that the pods failed a few hundred years ago. None of them are alive.”

Dr. N’Vir reports a second, larger chamber adjacent to the sleeper room that they have not been able to enter. The door to this chamber has multiple security locks, and the team is working carefully to access it.

Tags: Kal'Ala, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Telea N'Vir


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Turian Primarch’s health under evaluation
June 18th, 2011

Primarch Janelus Valtora is being evaluated by medical professionals on Bostra today, after he collapsed while meeting with colonists. Primarch Valtora was rushed to a local hospital, where he was revived and underwent medical scans. Local doctors would not comment on the Primarch’s condition, but Artus Krilleon, one of Valtora’s aides, said, “The Primarch is doing well, and expects to travel to a medical facility on Palaven soon for a more thorough examination.”

Tags: Bostra, Hierarchy, Palaven, Primarch Janelus Valtora, Turian Hierarchy


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Element Zero negotiations break down
June 16th, 2011

Negotiations between the Citadel Council and the quarian flotilla regarding the uncharted element zero deposit have broken down. Council representatives arrived back at the Citadel early this morning, and announced that they were unable to reach an agreement. “The quarians asked for too much,” said one diplomat. “This isn’t over, though. We haven’t lost yet.”

In a statement, a flotilla representative said, “I’m sorry we were unable to reach an agreement with the Council. There are other parties in the galaxy that are interested, however. We have plans to meet with Hegemony officials in the near future.”

[via Galactic Mineral News]

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, Citadel Council, Migrant Fleet, quarians


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Turian newscaster dies
June 15th, 2011

Veteran newscaster Lorik Nalin died today. Nalin was a long trusted presence on the Hierarchy News Service, and had been praised for his coverage of events as varied as the bi-annual Hierarchy Games to the recent war on Garvug. Many of his special reports were picked up by other C-Space news services, making him a well-known figure both inside and outside of the Hierarchy. Nalin continued his work as a journalist despite declining health in recent years. His family reports that he died peacefully, in bed, at his home on Palaven.

Tags: Garvug, Hierarchy News Service, Lorik Nalin, Palaven


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Shuttle pilot suspended
June 14th, 2011

A commercial shuttle pilot has been suspended today, following an incident that tied up incoming traffic at Elysium for hours. Investigators report that Elysium control was unable to raise Galaxy Flights Shuttle 132, which had arrived from the Citadel and was in orbit and awaiting landing instructions. A squad of Alliance marines docked with the shuttle, where they found the pilot asleep in the cockpit, with the VI set to keep the ship in orbit. An Alliance official took control of the flight, and all passengers landed safely.

Tags: Elysium, Galaxy Flights, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 37 Comments »