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Strange readings detected on Turungia Island
January 9th, 2012

Rescue teams on the Halo of Light island of Turungia report that they have detected strange energy readings from a site in the Turungian Hills. The readings match no known technology, and are reportedly located at what is thought to be the epicenter of the recent earthquake. The Illuminated Primacy is deploying an investigation team to study the energy source. In the meantime, the Primacy has asked all civilians to act with caution, and has requested that aid and recovery teams avoid the site and focus on assisting the victims of the recent earthquake.

Tags: Halo of Light, Illuminated Primacy, Turungia Island


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Tonnovan scales tallest building
January 8th, 2012

Daredevil Morala Tonnovan has once again made the record books, this time for scaling the tallest building in the galaxy. After gaining permission from the authorities on Kosh, the salarian proceeded to scale the side of Transworld 1, using minimal equipment and little more than a basic environment and breathing suit to protect him from the elements. Upon reaching the top of the 1002 story tower, Tonnovan magnetically clamped his family flag, where it will remain for the next month in tribute to his efforts. He then entered the building through a maintenance hatch. “I’m happy,” he told a group of waiting reporters. “But already formulating my next challenge. Do you think C-Sec would grant a waiver for their curve gliding ban? I’ve got something special in mind.”

[via Eye on the Galaxy]

Tags: Kosh, Morala Tonnovan, Transworld 1


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Human conductor celebrated
January 7th, 2012

The work of noted human conductor Maria Fernandez was celebrated on the Citadel today, at an event held for her 70th birthday. Fernandez has been conductor of the Havana Philharmonic for the past 22 years. She has promoted human music outside of the Alliance, while simultaneously pushing the Philharmonic to integrate non-human players, instruments, and music. The results of her efforts have been that the Havana Philharmonic has become well regarded throughout the entire galaxy, and has played for asari Matriarchs, turian Primarchs, salarian Dalatrasses, and even the members of the Citadel Council. At the event, she thanked the attendees, and said, “I love what I do. I hope to continue sharing music with the galaxy for years to come.”

Tags: citadel, Havana Philharmonic, Maria Fernandez


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Earthquake rocks Turungia Island
January 6th, 2012

A massive earthquake has struck the island of Turungia, the largest land mass on Halo of Light, a primarily aquatic world that has been settled by the hanar for the past 75 years. Though relatively remote and sparsely populated, Halo of Light has become a retirement destination for some drell, who settle on Turungia Island for its pleasant climate and proximity to underwater hanar settlements. Early reports are sketchy, but the Illuminated Primacy counts at least 112 fatalities, mostly elderly drell from the island. The Primacy is said to be launching an investigation into why the colony’s early warning VI failed to predict the earthquake.

Tags: drell, Halo of Light, hanar, Illuminated Primacy, Turungia Island


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Intai’sei gunman’s mental state questioned
January 5th, 2012

Lawyers for Darren Painter, who killed three people during a ceremony at the Intai’sei Capitol, presented startling new evidence at the Intai’sei Colonial Court yesterday. Painter, who is unemployed, was assigned a psychiatrist by the Colonial Employment Bureau after “violent” outbursts during his appointments. The psychiatrist had only two sessions with Painter. During these sessions, Painter repeatedly referred to anti-human “conspiracies” by aliens, and claimed that aliens were responsible for his firing from the Colonial Council. He also claimed to be working with the pro-humanity terrorist group Cerberus to “expose” the alien conspiracies. After Painter stormed out of the second session two months ago, the psychiatrist diagnosed Painter as a “probable paranoid schizophrenic” and filed a report with police. No action was taken before Painter’s attempt to kill Councilor-elect Korat Udorn. In response to the new evidence, the Colonial Court ordered Painter transferred to an Alliance psychiatric hospital for a mental competency evaluation.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Darren Painter, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn


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Asari Republics and Systems Alliance exchange dreadnought officers
January 4th, 2012

In a new display of inter-government partnership and cooperation, the Systems Alliance and the Asari Republics have agreed to an officer’s exchange between two of their dreadnoughts. The XO of the SSV Fuji, Commander Daniel Carlyle, and First Maiden of the Justice Unwavering, Commander Jaena T’Mora, will temporarily exchange places. The goal of this program is to foster a better understanding of each military’s operation methods. If successful, the System Alliance hopes the Citadel will institute this program on an annual basis.

Tags: Asari Republics, Daniel Carlyle, Jaena T'Mora, Justice Unwavering, SSV Fuji, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 75 Comments »


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Experts discuss Cord-Hislop’s success
January 3rd, 2012

Industry experts have begun to offer their opinions following the release of the Phelps Journal’s Top Twenty Fastest Growing Companies list, with some arguing that the greatest surprise of all is that it has taken Cord-Hislop this long to appear on a list of that kind. “Given the quality level of the companies they outsource to, the known efficiency of their production plants, and the recognizably high market price of their products, Cord-Hislop’s profit margins should have rocketed them into true big name status half a decade ago,” said financial analyst Dr. Randall Habib. When asked to suggest a reason for this apparent disparity, Dr. Habib offered the sentiment that, “[Cord-Hislop] is infamous for staying tight lipped on their bonus and pension schemes. One imagines their entire managerial staff must be earning far more than many of their peer companies would be inclined to pay.”

Tags: Cord-Hislop Aerospace, Phelps Journal, Randall Habib


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Business list includes surprising entry
January 2nd, 2012

With the dawn of the new year, Earth based publication the Phelps Journal has announced its annual list of the twenty fastest growing enterprises. Unsurprisingly, big names like medical research firm Kobayashi Inc. and new ‘thinking era’ tech firm PsiCo Sys are hitting near the top of the list after achieving whirlwind successes with new releases last year. More unexpected, perhaps, is the sight of Cord-Hislop Aerospace creeping into the high teens. Though steady sales of high performance lightweight transports have kept the company firmly in the black throughout its life, Cord-Hislop saw an unprecedented growth throughout all of the previous year, after the widely anticipated release of the Marseilles-type luxury interstellar shuttle.

Tags: Cord-Hislop Aerospace, Kobayashi Inc, Phelps Journal, PsiCo Sys


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Incident broadcast at New Year’s celebration
January 1st, 2012

The talk of the galaxy today is last night’s New Year’s celebration on the Citadel, which broadcast more than it intended to. At 11:55 PM, Eastern Standard [Earth] time, Anne Sheridon and asari pop singer Mya began a carefully choreographed musical event, meant to lead up to the scheduled biotic display. The intricate dance went wrong when Sheridon removed a prop piece of Mya’s clothing, exposing the asari’s bare chest to live HV. Mya immediately ran off stage, leaving a seemingly stunned Sheridon standing before a cheering audience. Organizers for the event claim that the intent was merely to reveal Mya’s gem studded under garment, and expressed regret that “the dance didn’t go as planned.” Mya, meanwhile, is claiming that Sheridon sabotaged her wardrobe. “I’ll never work with her again,” the asari angrily told reporters. “Her music is trash, and if this is how she treats others, so is she.”

Tags: Anne Sheridon, citadel, Mya, New Year, New Year's Eve


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Celebration planned for Citadel
December 31st, 2011

Eyes across the galaxy are on the Citadel, as the public anxiously waits to see if this year’s ceremony to celebrate the human New Year tops last year’s celebration. Organizers reportedly plan a repeat of last year’s display of biotics, but also plan to combine the display with a star studded musical event involving well known performers from across the galaxy. The festivities will be jointly hosted by Anne Sheridon and asari pop singer Mya, both of whom will also be performing. The presence of the singers has only stoked interest in the event, as the icy relationship between the two has been well known since Sheridon emerged out of nowhere and knocked Mya off the top of the charts. The performers claim to have moved away from their rivalry months ago, and Mya recently told reporters that she is looking forward to the event. “I don’t normally celebrate the ‘human’ New Year,” she said. “But Anne is a wonderful singer, and this is a fantastic chance to work with her.”

Tags: Anne Sheridon, citadel, Mya, New Year, New Year's Eve


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Salarians consider political restructuring
December 30th, 2011

Dalatrasses within the Salarian Union are meeting today to discuss eliminating several of the Union’s colonization clusters, or “marches.” The marches being discussed are among the smallest and least economically viable in the Union, and have run into fiscal problems that have required no fewer than four bailout packages over the past decade. Under the proposal, the marches would be eliminated, and their systems folded into other, larger marches. The idea is politically controversial, however, in part due to the question of what to do with several Dalatrasses who would lose significant power under the plan, as well as due to long standing salarian family loyalties and alliances within each region. A Union representative stated her hope that today’s conference will allow common ground to be found.

Tags: Salarian Union
Posted in Unofficial News | 14 Comments »


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Biotic Games close
December 29th, 2011

The closing ceremonies for the Biotic Games were held today on Tiala, with the closing Unity Parade led by the Shi’Tala title holders. Although the games were marred by controversy, the closing parade had a joyous atmosphere, dampened only by a protest staged by athlete Viktor Kohl. Kohl continues to maintain his innocence in a Minigen X3 doping scandal, attributing his hospitalization to a “heart condition,” and alleging that the Biotic Games Commission “stripped me of my title to punish humanity for protesting Biotic Games tradition.” Most athletes ignored the statement, but Petalaz, the elcor athlete, said to reporters, “Sarcastically: Perhaps Kohl should meet with Samir Sridar. He obviously has been stripped of his title by the same conspiracy that built the so called nano plague.”

Tags: Biotic Games, Petalaz, Samir Sridar, Tiala, Viktor Kohl


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Elysium battle renews Spectre controversy
December 28th, 2011

The Citadel Council confirmed today that a Spectre was behind yesterday’s shooting in an Elysium market. According to Council representatives, an operative moved to eliminate Howard Purvel after determining that he had connections to several Terminus Systems crime cartels and illegal arms smugglers. The resulting public gun battle has renewed criticism of the Spectres, with the Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition calling it “another example of the Spectres’ flagrant disregard for public safety and due process,” and renewing their call for the Citadel Council to release records on all Spectre activities within Alliance space. The Spectre defended his actions in an anonymous statement, saying, “It was a good, clean kill. No civilians were hurt, and, while I can’t discuss the details, a major security threat was eliminated.”

Tags: Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition, Citadel Council, Elysium, Spectres


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Gun battle reported on Elysium
December 27th, 2011

A pitched gun battle took place today in the downtown section of Fields, one of Elysium’s largest settlements. Witnesses report that a local businessman named Howard Purvel and his four bodyguards engaged a heavily armed salarian outside Purvel’s home. Purvel’s bodyguards were killed, and he attempted to flee into a crowded, open air market. The salarian killed Purvel with a sniper rifle shot from across the plaza as the businessman tried to enter an air cab. The local police are searching for the salarian, who vanished during the chaos that followed the shooting.

Tags: Elysium, Fields, Howard Purvel
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »


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Winning skyball team includes humans
December 26th, 2011

The Shi’Tala skyball team at the Biotic Games includes three humans, Jennifer Parks of Mindoir, Edha Mehra of Earth, and Allison Spector of Luna, who managed to make their way onto a final round “unity team.” The general consensus seems to be that the humans cemented their place as fierce skyball competitors during the final match, which went into six bonus rounds. “We couldn’t have done it without them,” said Furgal Unnus, a salarian who was also on the Shi’Tala team. “They played a vital role, and really helped bring things together.”

Tags: Allison Spector, Biotic Games, Edha Mehra, Furgal Unnus, Jennifer Parks
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »


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Pope urges galactic unity in Christmas homily
December 25th, 2011

Speaking at the traditional “Midnight Mass” at the Vatican, Pope Leo XIV called upon humans and aliens alike to set aside past disputes and unify for the sake of peace. Referring to the traditional story of the birth of Jesus, who Christians revere as a divine prophet, the Pope said, “The shepherds in the fields on that lonely winter’s night heard the angel’s exhortation to ‘be not afraid…’ Let us, then, follow these shepherds, fearing neither past nor future, as we joyously greet our Savior, Jesus, the sign of God’s assured victory over evil.” In an astonishing move, the Pope was joined at the Mass by Athanasius VIII, the leader of the Orthodox Church. The two churches split in 1054 CE over doctrinal disputes; some analysts speculate that the Orthodox presence at the ceremony signals a new push towards reunification.

[via BBC Galactic Service]

Tags: Athanasius VIII, Christianity, Christmas, Midnight Mass, Pope Leo XIV
Posted in Unofficial News | 49 Comments »


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Viktor Kohl stripped of Biotic Games title
December 24th, 2011

Following the results of an intense medical exam, the Biotic Games Commission has voted to strip Viktor Kohl of his Shi’Tala title, and award it to asari competitor Renaya T’Malar. Kohl is said to be awake and nearly recovered after being hospitalized recently. Doctors have confirmed that his condition was caused by a Minagen X3 overdose, and say tests indicate he was likely doping during the competition where he claimed the Shi’Tala title. Other athletes, including most of the Alliance team, have reacted in disgust, though Kohl has vowed to fight the ruling. “I do not use drugs,” he told reporters who called his hospital room. “I have never used drugs. I won fair and square. I deserve my title.” The Games will now increase drug screening for athletes from every delegation, and at least one athlete, Jorgal Kalt, has warned against race based backlash. “Most of the humans have competed fairly,” he said. “I know what it’s like to be hated for what I am. I do not wish to see that sort of thing here.”

Tags: Biotic Games, Jorgal Kalt, Minagen X3, Renaya T'Malar, Viktor Kohl
Posted in Unofficial News | 31 Comments »


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Satire earns diplomats’ ire
December 23rd, 2011

A new HV series is in the news for ruffling feathers on the Citadel. The Negotiator is a half hour comedy that follows a turian staffer for the Citadel Council. During the course of the show, the main character must constantly deal with the inflated egos, poor judgment, and bizarre vices of the officials around him. The show’s creators claim that the characters are not based on any real life figures, but several high ranking diplomats are complaining to the press. “They based a character on me, but they made him angry and obnoxious,” said an official with the volus embassy. “It’s bad enough that the other races are treated so favorably by the Council. Now I must deal with personal slander.”

Tags: citadel, Citadel Council, The Negotiator
Posted in Unofficial News | 60 Comments »


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Human athlete under suspicion
December 22nd, 2011

Tragedy today at the Biotic Games, where human athlete Viktor Kohl collapsed at the narala martial arts competition and was rushed to a local hospital. Little information is available, but leaked reports indicate that the situation may prove to be a diplomatic setback for the Systems Alliance: hospital officials allege that Minagen X3, a powerful but dangerous drug that boosts biotic abilities, has been found in Kohl’s system. The Alliance has yet to issue an official statement on the situation. Meanwhile, Renaya T’Malar, who Kohl defeated for the title of Shi’Tala in the tela’nal biotic martial arts competition, is said to be considering a challenge to the outcome.

Tags: Biotic Games, Minagen X3, Renaya T'Malar, Systems Alliance, Viktor Kohl
Posted in Unofficial News | 40 Comments »


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Intai’sei shooter has Terra Firma connections
December 21st, 2011

As the victims of the tragic shooting at the Intai’sei Capitol are laid to rest, a grim picture of their killer emerges. Intai’sei Colonial Police have identified him as 29-year old Darren Painter of Thoreau Mesa. Painter previously worked for 18 months as an aide to former Councilor T.J. Burch, a member of the Terra Firma party who retired last year. Council Records show that Burch’s office fired Painter in early 2184, citing “erratic and abusive behavior,” including threatening a columnist for the Thoreau Republic who had written a column critical of Burch. It is believed that Painter kept his Council ID, which he used to enter the Capitol on the morning of the shooting. Painter had been unemployed since his firing, but he continued to support Terra Firma, and was active on pro-Terra Firma extranet news sites and chat boards, as well as sites linked to anti-alien hate groups. Painter was also identified as the man who disrupted a press conference by Councilor-elect Korat Udorn, wounded in the shooting.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Darren Painter, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, T.J. Burch, Terra Firma
Posted in Unofficial News | 76 Comments »