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Crackdown ends Tallus unrest
January 29th, 2012
Civil unrest over the Tallus decision seems to be at an end, today, following a week of crackdowns by the Turian Hierarchy. On Bostra, most separatist sympathizers returned to work after being threatened with social demotion, arrest, and jail sentences, ending a series of sit in strikes that crippled the world’s economy. On Stellis, meanwhile, the crackdown took the form of a renewal of full-fledged hostilities, including the large scale bombing and invasion of several cities loyal to separatist forces. Hierarchy troops seemed to strike quicker, and with more overwhelming force, than the separatists anticipated, and the separatist leaders are asking for a renewal of the peace accords. The few remaining protests seem to be on the Citadel, where a small group of separatist sympathizers and free speech activists are picketing the Turian embassy. “Citadel governments should protect free speech,” said activist Laxo Sangrit. “Instead, my government used force to stifle open debate and dissent.”
[via the Hierarchy News Service]
Tags: Bostra, citadel, Joral Tallus, Laxo Sangrit, Stellis, Turian Hierarchy
January 29th, 2012
Civil unrest over the Tallus decision seems to be at an end, today, following a week of crackdowns by the Turian Hierarchy. On Bostra, most separatist sympathizers returned to work after being threatened with social demotion, arrest, and jail sentences, ending a series of sit in strikes that crippled the world’s economy. On Stellis, meanwhile, the crackdown took the form of a renewal of full-fledged hostilities, including the large scale bombing and invasion of several cities loyal to separatist forces. Hierarchy troops seemed to strike quicker, and with more overwhelming force, than the separatists anticipated, and the separatist leaders are asking for a renewal of the peace accords. The few remaining protests seem to be on the Citadel, where a small group of separatist sympathizers and free speech activists are picketing the Turian embassy. “Citadel governments should protect free speech,” said activist Laxo Sangrit. “Instead, my government used force to stifle open debate and dissent.”
[via the Hierarchy News Service]
Tags: Bostra, citadel, Joral Tallus, Laxo Sangrit, Stellis, Turian Hierarchy