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Are galactic financial institutions sitting on a time bomb? In a controversial speech to a Presidium think tank, Dr. Torm Owel, a retired official with the Citadel Council’s Ministry of Finance, claimed that colonial-backed securities could potentially crash the galactic economy. “C-space financial institutions are binge lending to risky, Earth-clan colonization efforts,” Dr. Torm Owel said. “These loans have been repackaged and sold throughout the galaxy as ‘safe.’ It’s an economic apocalypse waiting to happen.” A brief statement from the Ministry of Finance dismissed Torm Owel’s claims as “alarmist.” Meanwhile, Baas Nevras, a spokesperson for the Unified Bank of Irune, was no kinder: “Torm Owel’s claims are based on faulty logic, and a fundamental misunderstanding of both colonial-backed securities and the galactic economy.”

@темы: ministry of finance, colonial-backed securities, Dr. Torm Owel, Unified Bank of Irune

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Among the new apps on display at the ExByArc Interactives Festival on Terra Nova, one in particular is turning the heads of designers and governments alike. MSelf, created by Illium-based salarian-human startup K-Wave, is a “personal avatar.” The program works by tracking a user’s movements, purchases, and communications and heuristically distilling them into a VI program that can, with enough input, be used to predict the likes and dislikes of the person it models. K-Wave Chief Developer Kristof Benz said, “The thing with most VI’s is that they only record what a person consciously does or says. By tracking how our customers live, work, and communicate, we make it possible for other people to predict how they’d react to everything from a sales pitch to a pickup line.” Though VI reconstruction of living personalities is illegal under Council law, K-Wave claims that its software complies with the law because the avatars generate only a range of probable responses and nothing that could be used to create a specific response. Nevertheless, staffers from the Citadel Council’s Technology Review Commission have been observed showing particular interest in the K-Wave booth.
[via Alt.Galaxy.Tech]

@темы: Terra Nova, K-Wave, ExByArc, MSelf, Kristof Benz

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An ExoGeni survey team has been quarantined, today, following an attempt to chart the third planet in the Attican Traverse’s Randstad System. The team was scouting an island continent in the southern hemisphere to determine if the garden world is suitable for colonization, when three team members reported feeling severe pain on exposed skin. It appears they came into contact with a previously unknown fungus that attaches to animal life and rapidly consumes its flesh. Two of the exposed team members have been reported dead, while a third has had a limb amputated, and is said to be in critical condition. ExoGeni, meanwhile, has not commented on its colonization plans for the planet.

@темы: Attican Traverse, ExoGeni Corporation, Randstad System


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MCS Coromandel reinforced by rebel vessels
February 13th, 2012
The situation in the Maitland region continues to deteriorate for the Systems Alliance. Not only has the Alliance Navy failed to locate the renegade MCS Coromandel, two other system patrol vessels, light frigate TCN Califia from Thornton and heavy scout MRS Fidanza from Mindaribba, have apparently joined Coromandel in self-imposed exile and opposition to the Alliance, and three Alliance merchant vessels have now been attacked, including the MSV Hélène Blondeau which was lost with all hands. Both the Thornton and Mindaribba colonial governments have disavowed any connection with the rogue vessels. However, Alliance diplomat Diana Julien has accused both of using a legal fiction to claim neutrality while their vessels support terrorist acts. In return the Thornton administration has issued the extraordinary claim that the Hélène Blondeau was deliberately targeted by an Alliance Navy destroyer. Alliance Rear Admiral Zacarías has denied any such operation and dismissed as forgeries the sensor records provided by Thornton purporting to show the vessel responsible.
Tags: Diana Julien, Maitland, MCS Coromandel, Mindaribba, MRS Fidanza, Rear Admiral Zacarias, Systems Alliance, TCN Califia, Thornton
Posted in Unofficial News | 91 Comments »


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Fernandez rejects role in debate
February 12th, 2012
In an interview with Alliance Today’s Minna Wahab, Maria Fernandez rejected the debate over genetic modification that her illness has sparked. “I think my parents did the right thing,” she said. “If I were a parent, I’d have done the same. But I don’t think that genetic engineering should be illegal. I just think it should be the choice of the parents.” As Fernandez strolled along a beach with Wahab, she told the reporter that she has no regrets. “I’ve lived a long life. I’ve accomplished a lot. With medical treatments available today, I can live a lot longer. But the moral is still to do what you can, when you can.”
Tags: Alliance Today, genetic modification, Maria Fernandez, Minna Wahab, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »


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Auteur’s daugher comes into her own at ExByArc
February 11th, 2012

Kayana Fannus, daughter of legendary drell actor/director Fell Fannus, is making waves at ExByArc this year with the premiere of her first feature film, Rakhana Siha. The younger Fannus directed and starred in the film, which was produced by her father. She portrays a wounded Compact soldier who seeks physical and spiritual healing by returning to the drell homeworld of Rakhana and living in the ruins of a monastery. While there, she gradually befriends a tribe of nomads, who she ultimately defends against Compact drell who seek to uproot the tribe to join the Compact. Response has been overwhelmingly positive. Jonah Jessup of the Scott Examiner praised Fannus’ performance for “its seamless blend of her father’s intense method acting and her own character-driven style,” while Naisa D’Vell of Thessia Screen and Stage said, “Rakhana Siha brings Rakhana to life: epic, haunting, and beautiful.” Speaking at the Festival Director’s Roundtable, young Fannus was reserved. “Dad always said, tell a story you love, and do it justice, and your audience will follow. And he was right.”

[via Alt.Galaxy.Film]

Tags: drell, ExByArc, Fell Fannus, Jonah Jessup, Kayana Fannus, Naisa D'Vell, Rakhana, Rakhana Siha, Scott Examiner, Thessia Screen and Stage
Posted in Unofficial News | 15 Comments »


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Linron retains power, but control disputed
February 10th, 2012

By Pietro Pagano

TALAT, SUR’KESH – Dalatrass Linron, the queen bee of Sur’Kesh’s wealthiest bloodline, has retained bloodline leadership by a narrow margin.

In an extended speech given last night to the homeworld and colonies, the dalatrass primarily addressed her constituent clans, duchies, and corporations, lauding growth she secured for salarian businesses and taking shots at the rival Narra bloodline.

Afterward, pledges of loyalty or statements of no-confidence were factored into the weighted electoral system that the Linron bloodline uses to determine leadership.

Dalatrass Narra called Linron to congratulate her on her victory. But insiders say the Linron rivals are to be watched.

“In salarian politics, ‘I love you’ means ‘you’re going to die,’ and ‘you’re going to die’ means ‘I love you,’” one Linron staffer said.

“Linron’s influence over the Salarian Union is undeniable, but the Narra are dangerous. They don’t even recognize Talat as the planetary capital.”

The source added: “If their dalatrass gambles right, she could get the loyalty of the STG, which is key in any coup.”

In other words, it’s just another day on Sur’Kesh.

“The Token Mammal,” Pietro Pagano’s blog on salarian culture, is uploaded weekly from Sur’Kesh.

[via Alliance News Network]

Tags: Dalatrass Linron, Dalatrass Narra, Salarian Union, Sur'Kesh
Posted in Official News - Bioware Blog | 57 Comments »


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Jana Synesrix concert ends in riot at ExByArc
February 10th, 2012

Turian singer/songwriter Jana Synesrix’s performance at ExByArc ended with controversy and police sirens last night. Synesrix, a native of the separatist-leaning Galatana colony and an outspoken separatist supporter, burst onto the galactic scene in 2184 after serving a six year stint in a Hierarchy prison. During her concert at the Orpheum concert hall, Synesrix repeatedly attacked the Hierarchy for “militarism” and accused it of sapient rights violations, culminating with her song “The Judgment Stone” about the 2140 Ciraciian Massacre on Galatana. Leaving with the crowd in an uproar, Synesrix returned with an encore – a cover of an early 20th Century human showtune, “Pirate Jenny,” a graphic tale about a young hotel maid’s murderous revenge on an abusive town with the help of a pirate gang and their “Black Freighter.” Synesrix ended the song saying, “And all you Hierarchy beasts, the Black Freighter’s coming for you too.” Chaos ensued; approximately 40 turian concertgoers were arrested by Scott City Police for inciting a riot after they rushed the stage, and Synesrix herself was escorted from the hall under heavy guard. Synesrix’s publicist has refused to comment.

[via Alt.Galaxy.Music]

Tags: ExByArc, Jana Synesrix, Orpheum concert hall, Scott City, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy
Posted in Unofficial News | 38 Comments »


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ExByArc festival opens to roaring crowds
February 9th, 2012

Speaking at X57 Memorial Plaza before the kickoff concert of ExByArc, festival organizer Penn Malvern took a few minutes to thank the assembled fans. “Fifteen years ago, we had a one-night concert and two second-run indie movies. Look how far we’ve come. People from all over the galaxy come here to share their art, their movies, their songs, and their stories with all of us. That’s beyond cool. That’s beyond excellent. That’s extraordinary. And it’s all done by and for you – the fans.” Malvern then offered the words that have opened every ExByArc for 15 years: “Be peaceful, be generous, have fun, and enjoy the show!” The show’s lead act, spacer rock quartet The Navigators, opened the concert with a special tribute to the victims and survivors of the 2183 X57 terrorist plot against Terra Nova, the debut of their new single “Calling All Heroes.”

[via Alt.Galaxy.Music]

Tags: Calling All Heroes, ExByArc, Penn Malvern, The Navigators, X57 Memorial Plaza
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »


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Former Maitland flagship cripples Alliance supply vessel
February 8th, 2012

The Maitland colony is under martial law tonight, following an apparently coordinated attack by the renegade warship Coromandel and sympathizers on Maitland that has left one Alliance vessel a wreck, and severely shaken local confidence in the Alliance Navy’s ability to maintain order in the region. Alliance cruiser squadron 537 was drawn out of position with an electronic warfare drone mimicking a frigate’s emissions signature, then a vessel positively identified as Coromandel revealed herself from behind Maitland’s larger moon and made a hit-and-run attack on SSV Ericsson, squadron 537′s munitions and fuel supply ship, causing severe damage to the tanker’s cargo areas and forcing her evacuation. Efforts to intercept Coromandel before she escaped the system were hampered by a shock attack on the planet’s surface, where insurgents detonated a bomb in the Signals Tracking Center, the facility responsible for coordinating the system’s remote sensor network.

Alliance Rear Admiral Zacarías issued a statement following the incident, reassuring Maitland’s citizens of his squadron’s operational capability regardless of the loss of the Ericsson, and emphasising the threat posed by Captain Denton’s operations. “Denton is not some romantic Robin Hood,” the Admiral pointed out. “His people have murdered their fellow Maitlanders in the STC bombing. I’m confident the colony is behind us one hundred percent in our mission to bring him to justice.”

Tags: Joseph Denton, Maitland, MCS Coromandel, Rear Admiral Zacarias, SSV Ericsson, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 53 Comments »


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Terra Nova gears up for ExByArc
February 7th, 2012

Final preparations are underway in Scott on Terra Nova for the Exodus By Arcturus festival. One of the largest independent music, vid, and interactives festivals in the Systems Alliance, ExByArc, as the gathering is known, celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. Last year’s festival attracted 25,000 registered attendees and sold over 600,000 tickets, a major boost to the colony’s economy. Hotels, theaters, and concert venues are booked solid all over Scott and its suburbs. Artists and bands from all over the galaxy will be playing in the festival’s 57 music venues, including Enkindle This, Maya and the Azure Supernovas, A.F. Aramen, The Navigators, Congealed, Solid Rawkh, HyPer TangL, Jana Synesrix, The TriChordates, Roberto Rey, Featherstar, and Spark of Genius. More than 600 vids will premiere at this year’s ExByArc, including documentaries, short films, and features, as well as hundreds of new interactive applications and services.

[via Alt.Galaxy]

Tags: ExByArc, Exodus By Arcturus, Scott City, Systems Alliance, Terra Nova
Posted in Unofficial News | 16 Comments »


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Commentators face off on genetic engineering
February 6th, 2012

In response to the debate over genetic modification that has been sparked by the illness of Maria Fernandez, Trans-human activist Melissa Gebrezghi faced off with Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition head Wolfgang Hartmann in a Future Content Corporation broadcast debate. Gebrezghi argued that the Alliance should not allow parents to opt out of in-utero modifications for serious illnesses. “We’d arrest parents who poison their children,” she said. “But it’s okay for them to force their children to live with severe, possible fatal, genetic illnesses?” Hartmann rebutted that medical decisions should be in the hands of parents. “Free society depends on choice,” he said. “Are we to force submission to medical treatments? How is that freedom?”

Tags: Alliance Civil Liberties Coalition, FCC, Future Content Corporation, genetic modification, Maria Fernandez, Melissa Gebrezghi, Systems Alliance, Wolfgang Hartmann
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »


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Leak questions geth role in Citadel battle
February 5th, 2012

By Amita Qasid

VANCOUVER, EARTH – A leaked report has cast doubt on key facts in the Battle of the Citadel, backing up controversial claims by the long-marginalized “Citadel Conspiracy” movement.

In the report, acquired by the free-information group TruthHax, a top-secret emergency defense committee admits that the powerful dreadnought at the center of the battle may not have been of geth construction.

Key to the report is testimony by Commander Shepard, hero of the Alliance Navy and a decorated veteran. Shepard insists Saren Arterius’s flagship was actually one of many artificial intelligences separate from the geth and hostile to organic life.

Shepard’s credibility has declined in recent years amid reports of abetting the human supremacist group Cerberus. But in the leaked document, the defense committee appears to treat the Commander’s claims as a genuine possibility.

Shepard could not be reached for comment, having been relieved of duty by the committee.

Prime Minister Shastri was confronted with questions about the report today at a routine press conference, but waved them off, saying only: “It’s a big galaxy. The geth are one of many threats we talk about, and rest assured, the Alliance will be prepared for whatever comes our way.”

Amita Qasid is a political correspondent for ANN’s “Earth Standard” and a frequent contributor to ANN Magazine.

[via Alliance News Network]

Tags: Amul Shastri, Battle of the Citadel, Citadel Conspiracy movement, Commander Shepard, Systems Alliance, truthhax
Posted in Official News - Bioware Blog | 77 Comments »


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Religious figure and hostages killed
February 5th, 2012

Tragedy on Halo of Light, today, where Bindo, its followers, and its hostages have been killed in a massive explosion. Trouble started in the late morning, when Bindo refused to follow an agreement reached with hostage negotiators. Instead of surrendering, the religious figure told authorities, “This one has changed its mind. It has grown fond of the Enkindler artifacts. It is not ready to give them up. It, as well as the others, wishes to stay with them.” Following the announcement, a drell infiltration team entered the site. The explosion occurred several minutes later, killing everyone within the site, and reportedly destroying all Prothean artifacts. Hostage negotiator Larus Kalot would not talk to reporters, and neither the Illuminated Primacy nor the Citadel Council would confirm reports that the infiltration team was led by a turian Spectre, who was also killed in the explosion.

Tags: Bindo, Citadel Council, Halo of Light, Illuminated Primacy, Larus Kalot, Turungia Island
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »


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Deal reached at Prothean hostage site
February 4th, 2012

Good news from the Illuminated Primacy today, where hostage negotiator Larus Kalot has announced a deal with Bindo and its followers. Following nearly three weeks of heated negotiations, Bindo and its team have agreed to release their hostages, and turn themselves over to Primacy authorities. In return, it has been agreed that only adherents of the Enkindler religion will examine Halo of Light’s recently discovered site. Bindo has given in on its demands that the scientific community repudiate the recent mass relay findings, and that access to all Prothean sites be limited. Under the agreement, Bindo is allowed one day to prepare a statement to the galaxy. It will then release the hostages and surrender to the authorities.

Tags: Bindo, Halo of Light, Illuminated Primacy, Larus Kalot, Turungia Island
Posted in Unofficial News | 24 Comments »


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Maitland’s renegade flagship issues anti-Alliance statement
February 3rd, 2012

Alliance diplomats are scrambling today in response to a statement from the renegade Maitland colony frigate Coromandel. The statement, carried by an unmanned drone into the contested system and broadcast to all planetary networks, comes from Coromandel’s Captain Joseph Denton, who states his and his crew’s intention to conduct what he calls “a campaign of harassment” against Alliance interests, both to secure his own colony’s independence and to demonstrate to its neighbors that the Alliance can be resisted. Diana Julien, the Alliance diplomat who led the effort to secure Maitland’s membership, issued a statement in response flatly denying Denton’s allegations that the colony’s referendum on the matter was rigged. “I understand Captain Denton’s feelings,” Julien said. “Many in the Terminus systems distrust the Alliance, and it will take time for us to demonstrate that membership does not mean sacrificing a colony’s independence and identity. But Captain Denton’s fellow Maitlanders freely chose this course, and I appeal to him to respect their wishes and give us a chance to prove we’re not the enemy he and his crew believe we are.” Sources indicate the Alliance Navy has sent additional units to reinforce the Maitland patrol force.

Tags: Diana Julien, Joseph Denton, Maitland, MCS Cotomandel, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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Intai’Sei gunman not competent to stand trial
February 2nd, 2012

Intai’Sei Colonial Court judge Deonte Kon ruled yesterday that Darren Painter, accused of murdering two colonial police officers and the daughter of Councilor Korat Udorn, is incapable of understanding the charges against him and cannot stand trial. Painter has been undergoing psychiatric evaluation at an undisclosed Alliance facility since his initial hearing. Records released by his attorneys state that Painter has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Despite treatment with powerful anti-psychotic medications, Painter has assaulted facility staff, filled journals with unintelligible rants, and was recently placed on suicide watch. Judge Kon ordered Painter indefinitely committed to the secure facility, subject to periodic review of his mental state. Judge Kon also ordered all evidence and testimony in the case preserved so that it can be used in a future trial if Painter’s condition ever improves.

[Via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Darren Painter, Deonte Kon, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 32 Comments »


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Ashland criticized for Fernandez comments
February 1st, 2012

Aish Ashland is in hot water today, over comments she recently made about Maria Fernandez. Following the Bekenstein opening of the newest Visions nightclub, Ashland was asked about the conductor by Eye on the Galaxy reporter Nyessi T’Byer. “I have no sympathy for Fernandez,” Ashland replied. “She doesn’t support in-utero modification, and that’s what happens to people without it. It’s not just the illness, either. I mean, have you looked at her? She’s fat.” Although Fernandez herself has not issued a statement, Ashland’s comments have sparked harsh criticism on the extranet, with well-known human celebrity blogger Devon Starlight referring to her as a Wizard of Oz celebrity: “She’s the little rich girl with no heart, no brain, and no courage.”

Tags: aish ashland, Bekenstein, Devon Starlight, Eye on the Galaxy, Maria Fernandez, Nyessi T'Byer
Posted in Unofficial News | 28 Comments »


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Former Maitland flagship attacks Systems Alliance forces
January 31st, 2012

The incorporation of the Maitland colony into the Systems Alliance is in jeopardy tonight, following reports that the colony’s renegade frigate, MCS Coromandel, has attacked and damaged the Alliance Navy frigate SSV Mudki, one of two Systems Alliance Aliwal-class frigates operating in the system. Neither the Maitland administration nor the Alliance have yet issued a statement, or confirmed the identity of the aggressor vessel, which retreated after damaging SSV Mudki’s engines. However, Maitland independence groups have published a statement they say comes from a crewman aboard SSV Intrepid, formerly MCS Jason, a scout vessel operating in formation with SSV Mudki at the time of the attack, which positively identifies the Coromandel. To add to the Alliance’s woes, the newly-elected government of the nearby Thornton colony, which defeated the incumbent administration on a wave of anti-Alliance sentiment, has expressed sympathy for what they call the “difficult choice” faced by Coromandel’s crew, and described her commanding officer Captain Denton as a “patriot”.

Tags: Joseph Denton, Maitland, MCS Coromandel, MCS Jason, SSV Intrepid, SSV Mudki, Systems Alliance, Thornton
Posted in Unofficial News | 43 Comments »


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Fernandez confirms genetic condition
January 30th, 2012

Maria Fernandez confirmed today that she suffers from the same genetic heart condition that killed her mother. The renowned conductor stated that she is receiving medical treatment for the condition from doctors near her home in Havana, Cuba. It is expected that she will need weekly treatments for the next three months, followed by bi-monthly treatments for the rest of her life. When asked about her parents’ decision not to treat her for the condition in-utero, Fernandez said, “I wouldn’t have used in-utero modification on my kids, either.” This comment has drawn criticism from some elements of the human medical community. Dr. Larry Wells, a renowned surgeon with the Hawking University Medical Center, told reporters, “It’s irresponsible for such a well-known figure to endorse a Luddite point of view. How many children will die from preventable illnesses because parents follow Fernandez’s advice?”

Tags: genetic modification, Hawking University, Hawking University Medical Center, Larry Wells, Maria Fernandez
Posted in Unofficial News | 23 Comments »