
Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
April 27th, 2010

Our top story tonight: terror on Taetrus. Vallum, the colony’s capital, was hit with a blast that obliterated its downtown area and left a crater five kilometers wide. Shockwaves from the blast were powerful enough to destroy buildings 11 kilometers away. Casualties are unknown but are expected to be massive. The Radiatum, Taetrus’ parliamentary building, was at the epicenter of the blast and is believed to be its primary target. No registered armed ships were in orbit or in the sky above Vallum, leading authorities to believe the blast was caused by a ship used as a weapon of tremendous force, aimed at the Radiatum and accelerated to near-FTL speed. Fourteen separatist groups are claiming responsibility at this time.

Tags: Radiatum, Taetrus, Vallum
Posted in Official News | 69 Comments »


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April 26th, 2010

Principal photography wrapped today on Nekyia Corridor, the troubled space epic from Morgan Bierster that has officially reached the benchmark of the most expensive simulstim ever made. Champagne flowed freely on the set for one hour before technicians moved to strike the equipment and actors reported to the audio room for overdubbing work. Bierster predicts a long post-production process. “We’ve got over 3,000 effects shots to simulstim, but I am confident that they’ll come out at the quality a picture like this deserves.” Asked if more setbacks could sink the project now, he responded, “Any delay now would have to be due to an act of God, and if He does that to me, I’ll kick His holy ass.”

Tags: box office, Morgan Bierster, nekyia corridor, simulstim
Posted in Official News | 40 Comments »


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April 25th, 2010

Late-night comedians have finally found some humor in the situation on Garvug. Sura Non quipped, “Corp experts are saying Hailot Wrund will be hiding where nobody’s around for kilometers, so they’re searching theaters showing ‘Taze Patterson.’ ” Next up, Unara T’Zeli, who says, “Hailot Wrund is well-hidden. How well-hidden, you ask? While they were looking for him, they stumbled across Aish Ashland’s missing talent.” And Cal DiCosimo took a political bent: “They said they almost killed Hailot Wrund this week. He was so close to dead, Lisa Ford said, ‘Can I have his job?’”

Tags: aish ashland, Cal DiCosimo, Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Lisa Ford, Sura Non, Unara T'Zeli
Posted in Official News | 28 Comments »


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April 24th, 2010

Hailot Wrund, leader of the former state-run army of Garvug, released a video today mocking the corporate forces trying to capture him. “I’ll save you some time,” he said, “that DNA you’re analyzing was some other hump.” The video is half an hour long and exhorts the scattered state forces to engage the corporatists in a guerilla war. “They’ve moved into our house,” he said, “now it’s time for them to pay the rent.” Sonax Industries supreme commander Lira Speight responded: “Hailot Wrund is a head of state. He should learn that picking up a rifle doesn’t make you a soldier, and talking into a video camera, even less so.”

Tags: Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Lira Speight, Sonax Industries
Posted in Official News | 50 Comments »


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April 23rd, 2010

Further developments tonight in the case of four human officers beating three salarians; our news team acquired police interviews that reveal the two in the trunk were gang members hiding from a rival gang targeting them. The ward attorney will charge the four officers with the use of excessive force. Meanwhile, the family and friends of Haruta Sio, the salarian who was beaten to death, held a vigil in his honor. “He was with a bad crowd,” said his brother, Jundub, “but he stayed clean. He was just giving a ride to some guys in trouble. This shouldn’t have happened.”

Tags: c-sec, citadel, Haruta Sio, human, Jundub, Jundub Sio, salarian
Posted in Official News | 30 Comments »



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A video of several human C-SEC officers beating a group of three salarians is garnering millions of extranet views. Two C-SEC officers stopped a salarian on the Citadel for driving erratically and found two more salarians in the trunk of the aircar. Attempts to restrain the three led to a fight in which the officers electro-shocked and beat the salarians. When two more C-SEC officers arrived as backup, they continued the beating until the driver died of his injuries. It is not clear why the two salarians were in the trunk. Although both had criminal records, their only offense at the time was violating restraining harness laws.

@темы: c-sec, citadel, extranet, human, salarian, viral video



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Light heavyweight sensation Zarren “The Varren” Casias scored an upset victory over light heavyweight champion Luis “Laser” Reyes in mixed martial arts action last night. “Fight Night at Earth’s Pontiac Silverdome” was delayed by hooligans in the stands, as human and turian fans threw drinks and chairs at one another, and over 30 people were ejected. The five-round match only lasted two, with Luis receiving cuts over both eyes early in the first round that may have hampered his vision. Allowed to continue, a desperate clinch by Reyes brought the match to the ground, where both fighters slipped in the blood and Casias brought things to an end with a triangle choke. Casias is the second turian to win the light heavyweight title, and his victory puts non-humans as title-holders for all nine weight classes.

@темы: earth, human, Luis "Laser" Reyes, Luis Reyes, Pontiac Silverdome, turian, Zaren "The Varren" Casias, Zaren Casias



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Corporate forces on the planet Garvug believe they have killed opposition leader Hailot Wrund in a so-called decapitating strike. Special ops soldiers made a positive ID on his convoy and followed it to a ranch house in the hills north of the city of Ikrit. They then painted the house with a laser designator that helped a Raptor drone shoot a rapid-fire mass accelerator directly into the living room. Now, only a flaming crater indicates where the house once stood. DNA samples from the wreckage have been sent back to Binary Helix laboratories in the city of Jundrag, where they will be analyzed and compared to the information on Hailot’s medicard.

@темы: binary helix, Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Ikrit, Jundrag



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Раскол ячейки «Цербера» на планете Бекенштейн выявил тот факт, что эта группа радикальных сторонников человеческого господства связывается со своими оперативниками посредством скрытого кода в ежедневных экстранет-рассылках. «Мы узнали об этом, когда нашли в списках оперативников имена владельцев средств массовой информации» - говорит эксперт альянса по контртерроризму Мэн Цзяо. «Оказывается, что у них были специальные люди, которые прятали приказы о начале действий в новостных сообщениях. К примеру, если их экстранет-фильтр пометил статью о новостях науки, то одна из ячеек должна нанести удар. Финансисты переводят деньги на счета различных ячеек в зависимости от цифр в измененных сообщениях о кассовых сборах. Если следователи конфискуют компьютер, то все, что они найдут – куча заголовков статей и мусора из таблоидов, которые мог читать кто угодно». В ответ на вопрос, откажется ли «Цербер» от этой практики после того, как его тайна была обнародована, Цзяо говорит: «Не исключено, но это будет легко обойти. Подозреваю, что они продолжат пользоваться этим методом, просто поменяют сигналы».

@темы: Bekenstein, cerberus, extranet, Meng Zhao



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Политики Земли призвали людей к прекращению акций протеста на территории САСШ, хотя некоторые из них отдали должное мятежному духу протестующих. Спикер палаты представителей Лиза Форд приняла участие в серии утренних ток-шоу, объяснив, что, хотя она не согласна с решением Альянса Систем, но у нее остается другого выбора, кроме как принять его. «Люди, вышедшие на улицу в мою поддержку, могут ни в чем себе не отказывать, - говорит она, - но насилие, к которому прибегают тираны из Альянса Систем, должно быть для нас категорически недопустимо». Теперь, когда ее участие в суде завершилось, Форд признает, что больше тут ничего не сделать.

@темы: earth, Ford v. Huerta, Systems Alliance, President Huerta, United North American States, Lisa Ford, UNAS



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Решение Альянса Систем по делу Форд против Хуэрты сегодня на Земле разожгло еще десятки протестов на территории Североамериканских Соединенных Штатов. Количество протестантов на улицах крупнейших североамериканских городов, разъяренных вчерашним насилием, увеличилось вдвое. На демонстрацию в Мехико пришло четыре миллиона людей, и волна аналогичных протестов прокатилась по Лос-Анджелесу, Торонто и Нью-Йорку. Демонстрации в массе своей носили мирный характер. Исключением стал Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, где заметно превосходящие силы протестантов разбили полицейские отряды. Видеозапись погони протестантов за полицейскими по Авеню Конституции, выложенная на сайте в экстранете uploadednews.com., за 12 часов набрала 900 миллионов просмотров.

@темы: New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, earth, Systems Alliance, Washington D.C., Ford v. Heurta, United North American States, uploadednews.com, Mexico City



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Сегодня на Земле прошли акции протеста против решения Альянса Систем оставить в силе срок президента Хуэрты. Более полутора миллионов человек вышли на марш в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, два миллиона - в Мехико и 750 тысяч в Оттаве, многие из них принесли с собой факелы и вилы в качестве символов политического протеста прошлого. Это привлекло внимание вашингтонской полиции. Во время столкновения с полицейскими протестанты бросали в них факелы. Было ранено пятнадцать протестантов и трое полицейских. "Сегодня нам пришлось нелегко, но волноваться не о чем, - говорит сержант вашингтонской полиции Хэтуэй. - Эти люди и на перестрелку бы пришли с вилами".

@темы: earth, Ottawa, Ford v. Huerta, Systems Alliance, Capitol Police, Sergeant Hathaway, Washington D.C., Mexico City



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Комики из вечерних телешоу не упустили возможности высказаться в адрес судебного дела "Форд против Хуэрты" – истории, в которой оказалось замешано столько киборгов, президентов и разнообразных споров, что хватило бы на целый голливудский блокбастер. Кэл ДиКозимо сказал: «Нас должно волновать, что после инсульта у президента умер мозг? Меня больше удивляет целая палата врачей, утверждающих, что там было чему умирать». Наташа Лайонс выбрала своей мишенью спикера, заявив: «Весь этот год единственным ее аргументом было ее желание стать вице-президентом. Прости, милочка, от работы так просто не отвертишься». Свой взгляд на проблему высказал и Мэнни Цупо: «Целый год нашим президентом был зомби-киборг. Что спикеру не нравится? Любой ребенок лет двенадцати теперь может прийти в школу и сказать: “У меня клевый президент, не хуже всяких там асари”».

@темы: Ford v. Huerta, Cal DiCosimo, Manny Zupo, Natasha Lyons, President Huerta



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Сегодня на Земле завершился вызвавший множество споров судебный процесс по делу "Форд против Хуэрты". Большинством голосов (5 против 4) присяжные вынесли решение об окончании президентского срока. Председательствующий судья Линг сделал следующее заявление: «Это не первый случай, когда человека, формально считавшегося мертвым, удалось вернуть к жизни благодаря усилиям медицины. То, что теперь реанимация стала возможна на большем отрезке времени, не дает повода поддерживать нападки фанатиков на законность власти президента. Мы должны пересмотреть юридическое определение смерти, включив в него не только смерть головного мозга, но и смерть клеток». По итогам вынесенного решения поднялась волна протестов, которые прошли на Национальной Аллее Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, и в парке Чапультепек в Мехико. Толпы людей скандировали лозунг «Долой зомби!», но штурмовые отряды быстро пресекли беспорядки, разогнав людей с помощью сверхвысоких частот и оглушающего оружия. Сообщается, что на выходные запланирована новая серия протестов.

@темы: earth, Chief Justice Ling, Ford v. Huerta, Systems Alliance


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April 14th, 2010

Corporate forces’ hunt for clan chieftain Hailot Wrund on the planet Garvug enters a new phase tonight. Experts in fugitive recovery are arriving from notorious places like Omega to hunt down the former head of state. Drones and search aircraft are scouring the hills near Dhazil, and Binary Helix has imported two units of varren handlers in an attempt to literally catch the clan chief’s scent. The phones of soldiers, reporters, and civilians alike are being confiscated so that if Hailot makes a call, his cellular frequency can be easily picked out to triangulate his location. “When he reaches out to touch someone, we’re going to touch back,” promises Lieutenant Sheri Spindlemyer. “I don’t think anyone wants to be within crater radius of him right now.”

Tags: binary helix, Dhazil, Garvug, Hailot, Hailot Wrund, Sheri Spindlemyer, Wrund
Posted in Official News | 39 Comments »


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April 13th, 2010

Thessia’s prestigious Erana University is under fire tonight after suspending 17 students for holding a human-history-themed costume party. The students say no ill will was intended, but university officials believe otherwise. The office of the president released a statement, saying “Video of the incident puts the lie to the claim that this was not a racist affair. With all the human historical figures to draw from, these students chose to dress up as Adolf Hitler, Elizabeth Bathory, Caligula, and Pol Pot. They ate a cake shaped like a suicide bomber. Human students were neither invited nor welcomed at this party mocking their species.” More than 100 students did not show up to class this morning to protest the suspension, while others are planning an asari-history-themed party in retaliation.

Tags: Adolf Hitler, asari, Caligula, Elizabeth Bathory, Erana University, Pol Pot, Thessia
Posted in Official News | 122 Comments »


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April 11th, 2010

Earth’s most famous political family welcomed a new member today as the wedding of Chao Hsu and Valerie LeBarre kicked off on Luna. A record two million spectators turned out in Cape Canaveral to watch the bride and groom launch to the moon, where an exclusive guest list of 1,500 witnessed the couple recite their own vows in iambic pentameter and exchange tungsten carbide rings. LeBarre’s stunning ring is a flawless 16-carat marquise-cut diamond flanked by rare emeralds, and is estimated to be worth just over three million credits. The bride mixed traditions by changing from a European white wedding gown into a red Chinese cheongsam for the reception, where the happy couple danced to “Forever Eyes” by Shasta Miles. The spectacular evening’s finale saw the newlyweds ride off to the honeymoon suite on a white horse brought to Luna just for the occasion.

Tags: Chao Hsu, earth, Luna, Valerie LeBarre
Posted in Official News | 68 Comments »


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April 11th, 2010

The surprise hit suspense thriller “The Demon and the Nightmare” opened at #1 this weekend, earning 1.78 billion at the box office. The mostly-true story of a pair of thresher maws that nearly wiped out a salarian colony on the planet Dagnes uses an old-school, “never-show-the-monster” approach that is a huge hit with fans. Slipping to second place is the girl-power vampire buddy comedy “Bloody Mary,” which raked in just 955 million credits. In third, the krogan war comedy “Ruck Humpers,” whose rude humor isn’t translating well to Cit-space audiences. Grossing just under 430 million over the last three weeks, the widely-panned film is barely in the black.

Tags: Bloody Mary, Ruck Humpers, The Demon and the Nightmare
Posted in Official News | 74 Comments »


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April 10th, 2010

Terminus Systems denizens are enraged tonight as the Citadel Council finished a six-day series of war games simulating an invasion of their space. Officially, the exercises were defensive in nature, but six turian and three asari dreadnoughts rehearsed positioning and bombardment. “This is more than saber-rattling,” said Dick Ackerman, prime minister of the colony world Arvuna. “This was an attack rehearsal. It was timed to coincide with the invasion of Garvug. Terminus citizens are now on notice, and they are being called on to declare their allegiance or be counted as cowards.” Council press secretary Irana Tinos reassured the Systems that these exercises are the duty of any military, and that this event was planned months before the incident on Garvug.

Tags: Arvuna, citadel, Citadel Council, Dick Ackerman, Garvug, Irana Tinos, Terminus Systems
Posted in Official News | 86 Comments »


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April 8th, 2010

Conflicting stories tonight out of Garvug, where corporate and state forces clashed over a radio tower. State army units claim a victory, saying Hailot Wrund led an ambush that destroyed two armored personnel carriers and shot down a Mantis gunship. Video exists only of the gunship, which is clearly in flames and being urinated on by krogan forces. The corporate consortium battling for Garvug say no planes were shot down, and that their bombs killed over a hundred krogan and vorcha infantry near the CXN radio tower. This remains unconfirmed. At press time, the tower is known to be in corporate hands and Hailot Wrund remains at large.

Tags: CXN, Garvug, Hailot Wrund
Posted in Official News | 136 Comments »