March 20th, 2010

A new religion is gaining ground on Earth, Palaven and Mannovai. The Church of the Divine Plan, also known as the Dalemitrians, believe that the Citadel was constructed by the Protheans as a space ark, used to preserve life when gamma ray bursts and other lethal space weather sweeps through the galaxy exterminating all but the faithful. According to adherents, this disaster will strike “near the end of the century” and the Citadel Council is criminally liable for refusing to import species’ DNA to the space station. C-SEC classifies the religion as an apocalyptic cult, and cites their numerous weapons violations as a “troubling sign”. The church’s annual income is estimated at nearly 900 million credits.

Tags: c-sec, Church of the Divine Plan, citadel, council, Dalemitrians, Mannovai, Palaven, Protheans
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