March 23rd, 2010
Installation artist June Fasha unveiled her latest massive creation at the seasonal reopening of the Milgrom Museum of Art on planet Bekenstein. The piece, titled “Connected,” features a single beam of white light from Milgrom’s moon colony aimed straight down to the museum using carefully-placed reflectors and antiscatter algorithms to bypass atmospheric interference. Fasha’s selection as the featured artist at this event was hotly debated among art critics as she has been accused of producing ‘stunt art’ to ensure notoriety rather than artistic merit. Fasha’s patron Donovan Hock took exception to the criticism. “Art is an expression of one mind attempting to stimulate another,” Hock said. “Just because it’s big and flashy doesn’t mean it’s without value. ‘Connected’ proves that today’s artists will go to fantastic lengths, even to another planet, to find another mind. If its medium overshadows smaller pieces, well, that’s a commentary on the modern individual’s sense of insignificance on the galactic stage.”
Tags: Bekenstein, Connected, Donovan Hock, Fasha, June Fasha, Milgrom, Milgrom Museum of Art
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