April 29th, 2010
General Timus Aurelos toured the wreckage site of the Vallum Blast today, giving the claw salute and attempting to lift the spirits of the rescue workers within the so-called collapse line. “All turian space is praying for the people of Taetrus tonight, for the lives that were lost, for the families that mourn, and for the workers who toil here,” he declared. “I assure you that the cowards who did this will have no safe harbor anywhere in the galaxy. They will be found, they will be killed, and their twisted labors will come to nothing. They have not crushed a people; they have united one far larger than they ever dreamed.” The rescue workers responded with chants of “Taetrus! Taetrus!” and presented the general with a Hierarchy flag taken from the rubble.
Tags: General Timus Aurelos, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast
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