May 3rd, 2010

The culprits of the Vallum Blast remain at large, but colonial, Hierarchy, and Council investigators are narrowing their search. Only two of the twenty-one groups that now claim responsibility have previously demonstrated the hacking skills necessary to use a spacecraft as a weapon, and only the separatist group Facinus is known to have made the attempt. Facinus is believed to be behind the [Earth local date] February 22nd hijacking of another commercial cruiser that crashed at suborbital speeds in an uninhabited area. Facinus’ goal is to separate Taetrus from the Turian Hierarchy, who they see as having betrayed the trust of their people. Though Facinus’ structure is cellular, its political arm’s base of operations is in the Diluvian Wildlands on the Taetrus island continent of Eluria.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Eluria, Facinus, Hierarchy, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast