May 7th, 2010

A video of the separatist group Facinus celebrating the Vallum Blast surfaced today. Footage shows noted separatist Kihilix Tanus praising pilot Vamire Squaron for his successful aiming of a private vessel and ejecting from it before it accelerated to its hyperlethal speed. The conversation implies that Squaron bypassed the ship’s safety protocols by installing an improvised FTL plotter, using an archaic design no longer in service throughout Citadel space. The vid also shows Tanus criticizing the Turian Hierarchy for failing to respond to the humanitarian crisis on the planet Belan. “They are old xemna [herd animals], only responding when they themselves are jabbed.” He then threatened a storm of lightspeed vessels, one for every week that Taetrus remains “subject to the human-appeasing lackeys that run imperialist space,” referring to the Hierarchy and Citadel species.

Tags: belan, citadel, Hierarchy, Kihilix Tanus, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast, Vamire Squaron