May 10th, 2010

The reorganizing of Taetrus’ governmental infrastructure following the Vallum Blast reached an important milestone tonight, as the colony’s Laudatix — the ministry of citizenship rankings — held its first oserun since its office was destroyed in the blast. The oserun, a ceremony that recognizes the promotion of turians to a new citizenship tier, was initially overseen by local general Timus Aurelos, who swore in the new minister, Anela Saneraxis. Aurelos then turned the ceremony over to her, and Saneraxis formally promoted 1,238 turians, ranging from young adults entering 2nd-tier boot camp to Radiatum lawgivers in the 23rd tier. Saneraxis called on the latter in her closing remarks, saying “We know the task before us is mighty, and we look to our leaders to help us serve with dignity and strength. Together, we will prevail.”

Tags: Anela Saneraxis, General Timus Aurelos, Radiatum, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast