May 17th, 2010
Two reporters from the Sirenum Scopuli Network have attempted to re-create the scenario necessary to cause another Vallum Blast. Faking their credentials with high-resolution omni-tools, they managed to charter the private vessel MSV Zothera and fly it into orbit; there, a computer expert claims he set its coordinates for the city of Regeris but was stopped by the ship’s hardcoding. “FTL plotters are all about safety, and you need a very specific skill set to bypass them,” says Serus Lilix, who handled the piloting. “It’s like finding a particle physicist who can also build a locomotive.” Primarch Idus Valen was asked in a press conference today about the incident and he praised the reporters for their work. He declined to comment on the specific differences between the reporters’ tactics, those of Vamire Squaron, and the failed [Earth local date] February 23rd hijacking now attributed to Facinus, saying “I’d rather not broadcast an instruction manual on what Facinus has learned.”
Tags: Facinus, Idus Valen, MSV Zothera, Primarch Idus Valen, Regeris, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast, Vamire Squaron