May 17th, 2010

The Vallum Blast has governments re-examining a critical question: do major metropolitan areas need kinetic barriers? The technology exists: emitters designed to shield asteroid-prone colonies can be mounted on high-altitude balloons and tuned to allow slow-flying planes and starships in while shielding cities from ships flying at hyperlethal speeds. Some turian cities on Palaven have them already. But the cost is substantial: covering a sprawl such as Earth’s Los Angeles could initially run as much as 848 million credits, with an annual cost of 74 million to monitor and maintain the emitters. Less wealthy cities would have to do without, bumping them up on the list of potential targets. Experts say the easiest solution is to upgrade ship VIs so that bypassing the safety protocols is even more difficult. “The hype is that anyone with hacking skills can turn a ship into a relativistic weapon,” said Taetrian professor of computer science Arayna Hanus. “Fortunately, hard-coding prevents this in 99% of cases.”

Tags: Arayna Hanus, Los Angeles, Palaven, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast