May 27th, 2010
Mass cannons pounded the Diluvian Wildlands on Taetrus today, devastating the region’s urban centers in what colonial forces call the Constant Lightning Offensive. Though no journalists were allowed to photograph or film the area, audio files from eyewitnesses told the story of a brutal bombardment. Early warning radars and other scanners were the first targets, followed by power stations, naval yards, telecommunications nodes, and airfields. There is no word at this time if Diluvian army units have been hit, but anti-air batteries would obviously be among the first targets; given the tremendous firepower used today, it is likely some were hit. Some reports say that anti-air missiles were launched in the north, bringing down a gunship, but the colonial forces deny it, and the report cannot be confirmed at this time.
Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast