June 3rd, 2010
Citadel space is abuzz with the news that highly esteemed General Partinax has accepted separatist leader Kihilix Tanus’ challenge to duel. General Partinax has survived seven duels, five to first blood and two lethal; Tanus’ record is unknown. Negotiations continue at this hour as the general’s staff narrows down a list of weapons. The general favors a turian sword called a mexta, saying it’s harder to cheat in swordplay than with firearms. Tanus, on the other hand, favors a type of pistol duel known as a barrier room fight. Despite the excitement, the duel may only minimally impact the war strategy. General Partinax says the air campaign will continue during the duel: “The prize here is the life of one enemy, not the entire course of the war.” It may not be merciful, but the general says it is the only condition upon which the Hierarchy would permit him to risk his life.
Tags: Facinus, General Partinaxt, Kihilix Tanus, mexta, Taetrus, Turian Hierarchy, turians