June 3rd, 2010
As reports of strafing runs and bombardments filter in from urban centers across the Diluvian Wildlands, all eyes are on General Partinax. Negotiations have ended in agreement upon a barrier room duel between the general and Kihilix Tanus in two days’ time. In this duel type, combatants armed with pistols enter a room with an opaque retractable wall dividing them. When the wall is dropped, the duel begins. Representatives from both sides will monitor the proceedings, which will be recorded on visual media. Per turian custom, the records will not be made available for public distribution. The general’s staff must now locate a neutral meeting place that is unlikely to be an ambush site for either side — trust is difficult to come by in this conflict.
Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus, turian, Turian Hierarchy