June 5th, 2010
The duel of the century is on hold tonight as senior Facinus representatives refused to accompany colonialist forces to the predetermined duel site, suspecting a trap. “There were no journalists there, no witnesses, and planes were screaming overhead,” said Facinus separatist Janus Pagasi. “They had tanks and armor units nearby; they clearly meant to capture us.” General Partinax, for his part, said at his daily press conference, “It’s not in our interests to meet the enemy unprepared. However, we acknowledge the lack of trust between us, so we must guarantee that no unfortunate accidents will befall the Facinus delegation. Media were present today; tomorrow, they will be more clearly visible so we can get this over with.”
Tags: Facinus, General Partinax, Janus Pagasi, Taetrus, Vallum, Vallum Blast