June 20th, 2010
Today on Taetrus, General Partinax took time out from his usual press conference to address what colonialists are calling “misconceptions” about the Hierarchy’s role on the planet. “There are persistent rumors that we are nationalizing businesses of the dead in order to pay for the war,” he said. “That is simply untrue. What we want is the population coming to the safe camps, surviving the war, going about their business, and paying their taxes. The deaths are of those that give us armed resistance.” Asked if he knew that the Diluvian Wildlands had iridium deposits, he said, “All colonies have natural resources, but economics are only one element of war, not a sole cause. We are here because we were attacked. End of message.”
Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus
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