June 25th, 2010

It was a star-studded night in New York City as the long-awaited space epic Nekyia Corridor held its premiere at the Royal SimulCinema 189 in the East Village. Light & Shadow Pictures spared no expense as the red carpet took the haute couture along a bridge of carbon nanotubes over an eerie pit of holographic ghosts. A-listers were everywhere, from Ace Skidmore to Symon Eldfell. Even Lisa Ford stopped by — the Speaker’s district was home to 11 of the sound stages used in the film. Leading lady Kate First was on hand with her life partner Elyina Renezia; lightning-rod-leading man Nathan Gold made only a video appearance, as he was on Thessia for the simultaneous Usaru premiere. Director Morgan Bierster commented: “We’re excited and exhausted. The sim’s been getting fabulous buzz in the pirate community, and it’s great to be here and give the glitterati their turn. We’ve got four hours to go, and then we’ll know if I should cut my wrists or not.”

Tags: Ace Skidmore, Elyina Renezia, Kate First, Light & Shadow Pictures, Morgan Bierster, nathan gold, nekyia corridor, New York City, Royal SimulCinema 189, Symon Eldfell
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