July 3rd, 2010

The reviews continue to pour in for Nekyia Corridor, some offended, but most overawed. “A simulstim that can impress both human and asari audiences is hard enough,” says columnist Gara Sator of simswithguns.com, “but Bierster has the insane dream of going after the whole galaxy. From the reaction I saw among salarian audiences, he might just get it.” Meanwhile, Lucy Tannenbaum of sharpstickintheeye.com says, “The adventures of the protagonists are so jaw-droppingly extreme that they would be called unbelievable in a holo, except that you know that this is a sim, and some crazy mother[expletive] actually had to do it. Before the shock wears off, you’re willing to believe any hoo-ha the sсript throws at you.”

Tags: Gara Sator, Lucy Tannenbaum, nekyia corridor, Sharpstickintheeye.com, simswithguns.com