July 5th, 2010
A meteor strike has delayed the construction of the Susskind Supercollider, a particle accelerator being constructed in Trikalon’s orbit. The Susskind is a type of collider called a fermitron and is a centuries-old asari venture now funded, named, and built by humans. It’s believed a fermitron hasn’t been constructed since the time of the Protheans. Formerly scheduled to come online in September (Earth Standard), the new damage will prolong construction until 2186. When completed, the Susskind collider will be 13,508 kilometers in circumference and will encircle Trikalon completely. The Susskind is the largest artificial satellite ever to have human workers and will be the galaxy’s largest building in terms of square meters, surpassing the volus’ hotel-filled Mall of Quanaha.
Tags: fermitron, Mall of Quanaha, Susskind Supercollider, Trikalon