July 7th, 2010
A dashboard camera video of an improvised explosive device that toppled an infantry fighting vehicle on Taetrus has garnered over 560 million extranet hits. Five servicemen were riding in a C77 Tyrus vehicle when the explosive, buried in the center of the road, went off. The bomb, made from two artillery shells and a detonator, threw the 13-ton vehicle into the air but failed to pierce its kinetic barriers and armor. The crew escaped with minor injuries and used the Tyrus’ eezo core to lower its mass and right the vehicle with the aid of a tow cable and an aircar. Asked about the crew’s hospital stay, Corporal Siyan replied, “We’re resting, eating, and buying stock in Armax,” referring to the vehicle’s manufacturer.”
Tags: Armax, C77 Tyrus, Corporal Siyan, Taetrus
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