July 11th, 2010

There were no surprises on the download charts this weekend: “Nekyia Corridor” is on its way to becoming the highest-grossing sim ever. The long-awaited actioner charmed another 9.1 billion out of audiences galaxy-wide, passing the asari classic “Confederates” in adjusted credits. “It’s absolutely unreal to be at the center of something this big,” says director Morgan Bierster. “I can only say thank you to the fans for giving me my own Hollywood ending. I thought I was going to have to sell shoes for a living when this was done.” In the giant’s shadow, low-budget holo horror “The Phage 2″ scooped up 653 million credits by squeezing scares out of a sentient salarian biowarfare project that dissolves people outright.

Tags: Confederates, Morgan Bierster, nekyia corridor, The Phage 2
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