July 26th, 2010

Citadel Council observers were on hand in the city of Vallum today as Hierarchy forces destroyed the captured, weaponized FTL plotters found a month ago (Earth Standard) in the Diluvian city of Madra. “These are symbols of a type of war no civilized galaxy wants and no civilized galaxy should suffer,” said Taetrian Primarch Idus Valen, who was given the honor of detonating the plotters at a bomb range at Fort Urix. Asked if the plotters’ creator, Vamire Squaron, was the only person with the knowledge and intent to create weapons such as these, Valen seemed to agree but gave a noncommittal response. Asked how the plotters represented a type of war different than one involving conventional weapons of mass destruction such as a dreadnought’s main gun, Valen responded, “I’m sorry, but that’s all the time we have.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Fort Urix, Madra, Primarch Idus Valen, Taetrus, Vamire Squaron
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