July 29th, 2010
Comedian Cal DiCosimo has issued an apology today for his comments about deceased vacationer Kristal Sorenson. DiCosimo, recorded on a headcam video at a nightclub, said, “You know what’s wrong with our news? Hundreds of people are getting exterminated on Taetrus every day, and what are our journalists reporting? One rich little human girl who fell down a gravity well.” After the comments garnered millions of extranet hits, DiCosimo issued his apology: “My remarks were intended to be pointed at members of the news media, not the family and friends of the deceased. I am sorry if I hurt anyone in their time of grieving, and I wish to pay my respects to a very heroic young woman who saved the lives of her family.”
Tags: Cal DiCosimo, Kristal Sorenson, Taetrus
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