August 2nd, 2010

A controversial vid is making its way across the extranet, causing PR trouble for the corporatist forces on Garvug. The vid shows Sonax Industries soldiers executing nearly a dozen krogan, alleged guerilla sympathizers who defy their captors to literally their last breaths before they are pushed into a mass grave. When the vid first hit the extranet yesterday, Sonax’s stock price dipped dramatically, but at this hour it seems to have recovered and even jumped up 0.4 credits per share. “What we’re seeing here is a deeply disturbing trend,” says senior news analyst Hannibal Brown. “Were this a vid of krogan killing humans, Systems Alliance politicians would be saber-rattling left and right. But the perception is that all krogan are warriors, or at least able to defend themselves. Their execution is being treated as the cost of doing business on Garvug.”

Tags: Garvug, Hannibal Brown, Sonax Industries, Systems Alliance