October 12th, 2010

Ivor Johnstagg, the man who tried to take the life of volus ambassador Venta Tox, was released today after spending 21 years in prison. Johnstagg made headlines when he tried to shoot the ambassador from the top of a car park on Illium. He claimed to be sent by Eternal Earth, a now-defunct radical political party founded after the First Contact War. Investigators found no evidence of his claims and diagnosed Johnstagg with paranoid schizophrenia during his incarceration. The backlash from the assassination attempt almost cost the Systems Alliance an embassy seat on the Presidium. Upon his release, Johnstagg issued a statement saying he intends to refuse any offers for his life story since he has “powerful, powerful enemies waiting to see what I do. I’m either a quiet man or a dead one.”

Tags: Eternal Earth, First Contact War, Illium, Ivor Johnstagg, Systems Alliance, Venta Tox