November 4th, 2010

More institutes of higher learning are increasing pressure on the University of Serrice to return historical relics taken from the colony of Mannovai. “We’re pleased with the support,” said Mannovai Parliament Member Shayar Edcronus. “The University of Serrice doesn’t want to acknowledge the cost of their flippant cultural plundering. A trip to Serrice costs time and credits not every salarian can afford.” The University of Serrice’s Professor Baliya Haphia was quick to respond: “Four centuries ago, several of my friends on Mannovai died to help me escape with some of the colony’s oldest artifacts before a batarian fleet bombed their spaceports. There was nothing ‘flippant’ about their bravery. Our display is as much a tribute to their courage as it is to Mannovai’s past.”

Tags: Baliya Haphia, Mannovai, Shayar Edcronus, University of Serrice