November 6th, 2010

A recent natural disaster on the colony planet Taharon has rendered most of its available fresh water toxic. A rare seismic event opened several giant fissures under the ocean and water tables, releasing dangerous bacteria into groundwater reservoirs. Within months, most fresh water sources were found to contain lethal bacteria levels. “It’s everywhere,” says one resident. “We have to fry our running water with UV rays just to wash food or dishes. Not to mention showers. People reek.” Despite this, not one of the 3,500 colonists who live on the planet is relocating. “We’ve been here twelve years, right from the beginning,” says Ning Tsai, a local agritech. “We’re not giving up now.” He may not have a choice, however; experts agree that specific repercussions to the ecosphere cannot be predicted, but that the outlook is most certainly catastrophic.

Tags: Ning Tsai, Taharon
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