November 10th, 2010

The Turian Hierarchy opened the doors today to a new wing of the Tianar Museum of Military History, dedicated to the history of interspecies conflict. The event, held on the turian homeworld of Palaven, was attended by representatives from all Citadel races and media from around the galaxy. Hunner Genchak, the museum’s curator, hoped to encourage conversation on the cost of war for a species. “The turians have long held military power as a touchstone to cultural identity. This exhibit acknowledges that our proud legacy has a price.” The museum holds never-before-seen relics such as declarations of war on various planets throughout the Krogan Rebellion period and a wall dedicated to those killed in action during humanity’s First Contact War.

Tags: First Contact War, Hunner Genchak, Krogan Rebellions, Palaven, Tianar Museum of Military History, Turian Hierarchy
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