November 14th, 2010
An attack of unbelievable scale has taken place on the planet Garvug’s capital of Dhazil. According to one independent journalist trapped in the city, mass cannons have destroyed the seat of government recently retaken by Hailot Wrund, as well as most buildings within the city. Reports of assassinations and precision bombardments are coming in, but as Sonax Industries controls all comm buoys in the Paz system, their accuracy is unverifiable at this time. Sonax-controlled imagery showed a large fleet moving from behind one of Garvug’s moons to orbit over the planet’s capital, a force including Binary Helix ships, which supposedly left Sonax’s coalition months ago. No representatives from those companies were available for comment; on the way to his skycar this morning, Binary Helix’s press secretary said merely, “You’ll see.”
Tags: binary helix, Dhazil, Garvug, Hailot Wrund, Paz System, Sonax Industries