November 28th, 2010

Eldfell-Ashland Energy has accused the Migrant Fleet of destroying a cruiser, three frigates, and six mining freighters in the Nubian Expanse over a mineral-rights dispute. The quarians denied all charges, saying that they last saw Eldfell-Ashland’s ships retreating out of sensor range, presumably to refuel at their cruiser by the system’s mass relay. Eldfell-Ashland spokesperson Yves Nevil responded: “Yesterday we lost contact with our ships out in the Expanse. Shortly afterward, we received a distress signal from the MSV Stanislaw reporting an ‘alien attack.’ We have very little doubt as to what happened here.” Eldfell-Ashland officials are planning to go before the Council and ask that the Migrant Fleet be banned from Citadel space.

Tags: Citadel Council, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Migrant Fleet, MSV Stanislaw, Nubian Expanse, Yves Nevil
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