December 9th, 2010

Dr. Andile Ndiaye released this controversial press statement earlier today about his work with the biotic and possibly intelligent kirik on Ekram: “At first our communication with the colony was basic — me, you, food, not-food — but the more our biotics ‘talk’ to them, the faster they learn. We suspect their complex social structure puts their learning ability on par with that of dolphins. ‘Uplift’ has become a dirty word, but the kirik are perfect candidates.” Seconds after his speech, the extranet exploded in a furious debate over Dr. Ndiaye’s proposal. The Citadel Council has sent several ships to monitor traffic to and from Ekram as it decides whether or not to permit the research team to remain on the planet.

Tags: Citadel Council, Dr. Andile Ndiaye, Ekram, kirik
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