December 10th, 2010

Whether or not to uplift the biotic kirik colony of Ekram continues to be a popular and often contentious point of debate. “It’s ridiculous to compare this to Tuchanka,” writes political blogger Erlan Golta. “The krogan already had the capacity to use the weapons and starships we rained down on them. These insects don’t even know how to work a coffee maker.” Cydelle Fei, author and think-tank consultant, says it’s already too late to worry about that. “Whether it’s genetic research conglomerates or curious biotic tourists, we’re not going to leave these Ekramite bugs alone,” she writes. “At least bringing the colony fully into the fold of sentience will grant them rights and protections no dolphin or viyak ever had.”

Tags: Cydelle Fei, Ekram, Erlan Golta, kirik, tuchanka
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