December 11th, 2010

The researchers studying Ekram’s biotic insect colony became unexpectedly stranded today. “We told the kirik we’d have to leave if our swarm-queen — that is, the Citadel — pulled us off-planet,” says head researcher Dr. Andile Ndiaye. “When we started back to base, the colony lifted our groundcar right off the road because it wanted to keep talking.” Despite the power of the hive’s biotics, Dr. Ndiaye says he never felt in danger and that the kirik immediately expressed concern that they’d damaged the team’s “feelers”. “Their curiosity is incredible,” says Dr. Ndiaye. “Leaving them after first contact would be like abandoning a child.” In response to this incident, the Citadel has sent several representatives to evaluate the kiriks’ current level of intelligence and compare it to standard galactic sapience tests.

Tags: Andrile Ndiaye, Citadel Council, Dr. Andile Ndiaye, Ekram, kirik