December 16th, 2010

After months of living in squalor at government-mandated safe camps, civilians in the Diluvian Wildlands of planet Taetrus are finally going home. Lana Ixiri, a banker who left for the camps early, had no idea what to expect. “All anyone knew was that there were bombings and lootings, so I thought I’d be coming back to a gutted house or a pile of rubble,” she says. Lana was one of the lucky ones. Some windows in her prefab house were shot out, but moisture damage to the wood-framed house was limited. Older neighboring houses have rotted and become unsafe. Lana is just one among thousands trying to reconstruct their lives now that the resistance has been quashed. “It’s been so long,” she says. “It’s hard to remember what normal is.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Lana Ixiri, Taetrus
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