December 17th, 2010
Once feared by the population, colonialist forces on Taetrus now face the daunting task of reconstruction and reuniting family members. The turian charity Orphans of War estimates that the Taetrus conflict now includes casualties of more than 75,000 missing persons and 16,000 children who have lost both parents. “The hastatim are supposed to get everyone,” says Corporal Vitola Raedun, “but at least half of the ones I know won’t shoot a kid even if he’s looting, so they end up in these holding pens that are practically halfway houses.” Raedun says the easiest way to reunite is to get on the extranet, but if the children are too young to use a computer, then relatives must go to the camps and the orphanages in person. “That’s just a nightmare,” Raedun says.
Tags: Corporal Vitola Raedun, Orphans of War, Taetrus
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