December 20th, 2010
It’s a dirty job, but someone must do it. Lieutenant Astrae Rubicum of the occupying Hierarchy forces on Taetrus is responsible for culling the feral animals filling the cities. “It’s nearly impossible take care of pets at a safe camp,” he says, “so people just left them outside when they fled their houses.” Rubicum estimates over 50,000 pets were abandoned in Spaedar alone, and his animal corps has euthanized at least 10,000, not counting the ferals that don’t fit into the trucks and are immediately destroyed. “On the good days, it’s sad,” he says. “On the bad days, it’s gut-wrenching.” People are camping out at the crematostation every morning, waiting to see if the animal corps brings in their pets. If no one picks up the animals between intake and processing, they are euthanized. Rubicum hopes that families now returning to their homes will be able to reunite with their pets in time.
Tags: Hierarchy, Lieutenant Astrae Rubicum, Spaedar, Taetrus