December 28th, 2010
The galaxy’s longest-running game of chess finally came to a close as Dowumon Thunloon of Dekuuna checkmated Victor Kovisk of Luna. A board game of skill developed on 11th-century Earth, chess became popular on the elcor homeworld a few years after humanity was granted an embassy on the Citadel. Both players have competed professionally, but Thunloon and Kovisk’s legendary 12-year game was “a friendly match” that its extranet followers are sad to see end. “A flower of moves blooming over a decade,” wrote one fan. “I remember the first check better than I remember my kid being born,” admitted another. They may not have to wait long for a rematch: Kovisk warmly congratulated Thunloon on his win, to which the elcor replied, “Pleased acceptance: Thank you very much. Tentative excitement: New game?”
Tags: chess, Dowumon Thunloon, earth, Luna, Victor Kovisk