January 3rd, 2011

Riots broke out today on the colony world of Olor as part of a fierce struggle over water rights. Demonstrations at the corporate headquarters of the municipal water company AquaStructure turned violent when corporate police attempted to break up protesters. Firebombs and gunfire ended with thirteen dead and forty wounded. This is one of many recent demonstrations that have called attention to the dichotomy between wealthy salarians and poor humans on the planet. The breaking point came when AquaStructure decided against building pipes in the human district of Xi Hu, effectively denying the residents any hope of running water. “I just thought that’s how the colony was going to be,” said Chunkai Zhi, one of the human residents. “Then I found out that the salarian districts were getting all the water they wanted. That’s not right.” AquaStructure representatives had no comment on today’s violence.

Tags: AquaStructure, Chunkai Zhi, Olor, Xi Hu
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