January 22nd, 2011

The galaxy is on high alert as starships belonging to the Earth Systems Alliance and Batarian Hegemony refuse to back down from a confrontation in the Skyllian Verge. The encounter began when a frigate from the batarian colony of Aratoht discovered an Alliance cruiser, the SSV Budapest, on patrol in the Bahak system. The Alliance claims the Budapest was chasing a pirate fleet that has been harassing human colonies in the Skyllian Verge, and that it was fully within its rights to travel through Bahak’s space. The Batarian Hegemony has demanded the Alliance’s immediate withdrawal from their colony’s system. Three batarian cruisers stationed on Aratoht are now on their way to join the confrontation.

Tags: Aratoht, Bahak, Batarian Hegemony, Hegemony, Skyllian Verge, SSV Budapest, Systems Alliance