Celebrity duo to adopt Taetrian orphan
February 4th, 2011

Human celebrities Jason and Melinda Dekeyrel have begun formal procedures today to adopt one of the many turian orphans left in the wake of the military operations in the Diluvian Wildlands of Taetrus. The couple, known for their popular talkshow “Presidium Talk,” recently traveled to Taetrus as part of a special feature on the recent war. While there they visited one of the numerous orphanages set up to house turian children left orphaned by the conflict and now wish to adopt a 6-year-old turian girl named Iulai. Melinda Dekeyrel said at a recent press conference: “Jason and I realize there is a racial difference, but we believe we can give Iulai everything she needs. We have fallen in love with her and just want to give her a loving, caring home far away from all of the war and bloodshed she’s had to endure so far in her short life.”

In response to the couple’s announcement, there have been numerous outcries from turian groups who claim Iulai should be raised by a turian couple within the Hierarchy. A court on Taetrus will convene to be decided if the Dekeyrels should be allowed to adopt Iulai.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Iulai, Jason Dekeyrel, Melinda Dekeyrel, Presidium Talk, Taetrus