Elcor simulstim legend announces retirement
February 6th, 2011

The simulstim industry is baffled today over a surprise announcement of retirement by legendary elcor actor Petzac. Initially gaining a name for himself as a breakout comic actor Petzac starred in beloved titles such as the asari rom-com “Quick Love”, and salarian slapstick “The Naked Truth”. In his later years Petzac went on to shock audiences to critical acclaim as the murderous fuel station owner Deluzi in space-thriller “Station 441″. His most recent work was the stunning biopic “13 hours” depicting the real life story of an Elcor’s overland trek to warn human colonists of an impending pirate attack.

Speaking to a crowd of reporters Petzac had this to say. “Patient clarification: While I have a reputation of impulsiveness, please be assured that I have contemplated this decision for some time. Sincerely: I would like to thank my many fans across the galaxy for their support over my long career.” When asked by a reporter if he had any plans given his new free time, Petzac replied “Comedic jest: I have been considering a hobby in curve-gliding.”

Tags: 13 Hours, elcor, Petzac, Quick Love, Station 441, The Naked Truth