Systems Alliance steps up frontier patrols
February 7th, 2011

Due to increased mercenary activity on the frontier of Alliance Space, the Alliance Navy has increased the number of patrols in its outlying colonies. Mercenary groups such as the Blue Suns and Blood Pack have hit the most isolated of these holdings: contact was lost last week with New Dallas and Nueva Fortuna in the Zeus Sigma Cluster, and other colonies in the region are fearing they’re next.

Third Fleet commander Admiral Dirk van Breendonk defended this decision to detractors yesterday. “This is not a move of imperialism; we are doing this to protect those the Alliance was created to protect. We will not let these marauders rampage through our colonies unopposed.”

Tags: Admiral Dirk van Breendonk, Blood Pack, Blue Suns, New Dallas, Nueva Fortuna, Systmes Alliance, Zeus Sigma