Turian comedian to join the cast of The Peanut Gallery
February 10th, 2011
Turian farceur Lorus Caelix announced today that he would be joining the cast of “The Peanut Gallery”, an Earth-based show in which three comedians sit in a darkened theater, watch low-budget, low-quality vids that have entered the public domain, and make wisecracks at their plots, dialogue delivery, and direction. When asked why he was joining the previously all-human cast, Caelix said, “They asked me. Their producer loved my one-man acts when he saw them on Illium, and they were looking for a turian to replace Jagdish (Chua, the late third member of the trio) after his unfortunate death attempting to climb K2.”
The Peanut Gallery, originally thought to appeal only to a human audience, has grown in popularity galaxy-wide, having heckled such B-vid classics as “The Day Thessia Froze,” “Hercules vs. the Salarians,” and “Manasynder: The Tentacles of Doom.” When asked why the show was looking specifically for a turian, Caelix replied, “Most people think turians don’t have a sense of humor. I, and The Peanut Gallery, intend to prove them wrong.” While Caelix has signed on too late to be included in the Gallery’s heckling of 2139’s box-office bomb “Ran Furto: Wonder Volus,” The Peanut Gallery’s office in Minneapolis has confirmed that Caelix will appear alongside fellow Gallery occupants Devon Mendenhall and Travis Coldstream for their much-anticipated riffing of the infamous 1642 quarian-asari-elcor-sploitation film “Prehistoric CaveBabes from Beyond the Far Rim.”
Tags: Devon Mendenhall, Jagdish Chua, Lorus Caelix, The Peanut Gallery, Travis Coldstream