Wildcat miners battle on Presrop
February 12th, 2011
Alliance marines were forced to step in today to stop a battle between two groups of wildcat miners on Presrop, a moon of the planet Klendagon. The battle allegedly broke out after both groups laid claim to a large deposit of uranium. Each group was armed with pistols, assault rifles, and basic kinetic barriers, and their dispute soon turned to armed conflict. By the time Alliance marines landed, eight people had been killed, and six wounded.
When asked how the Alliance intends to handle the situation, Major Kristin Ran, with the Alliance Marine detachment, stated that, “We have disarmed and separated the parties in question, and are treating the wounded. We intend to survey the uranium deposit and mark it for excavation by a licensed and authorized mining corporation. We then intend to fine each of the wildcat miners, and move them off world. None of them had permission to operate here.”
[via Alliance Beacon]
Tags: Alliance, Klendagon, Presrop, Systems Alliance