Legal battle begins for Iulai Aulus
February 16th, 2011
The legal battle for the turian child Iulai Aulus began today on Taetrus with the girl’s father Eonus Aulus on one side and the human celebrity couple Jason and Melinda Dekeyrel on the other. Representing the human couple is asari lawyer Sanjida T’Dolas, whereas Captain Aulus is represented by a team of legal specialists from the Hierarchy military. Both parties claim they can offer the best environment for the child.
“She must be raised by her blood kin. By turians. How can a pair of humans claim to know how to raise a turian girl?” asked the turians in their opening statement. T’Dolas rebutted, “Iulai needs a caring, loving environment with two parents to raise her. Captain Aulus is a dedicated career soldier. How much time would he have to raise his daughter?” There has been no comment from the appointed arbitrators overseeing the case.
Tags: Eonus Aulus, Iulai, Iulai Aulus, Jason Dekeyrel, Melinda Dekeyrel, Sanjida T'Dolas